Chapter 42

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After Noah and Luke excepted each other we all sat down at the table to discuss about the vampires that are coming. 'We must protect our mate.' My wolf tells me. I know, but we must also protect our pack.

"So it's Tylor and the hunters? I thought you all died." Carter says to Noah.

"No he turned all of us and he was planning on turning you to be his bride, but I can see that you found your mate. Plus you are a wolf." Noah tells her with a smile.

"Yes, but how do you think he will react to that?" She asks biting her bottom lip.

"Not good, we should all prepare for this. Is Ramsey still with you?" Noah asks her.

"You know about Ramsey?" I ask confused. What is he to her? Was he more once?

"Yeah, I'm the person who told her to bring him home as a dog." Noah says proudly.

"He's Tylor's cousin." Carter tells me.

"Oh, well thank you Noah, for helping us." I tell him as I smile at my mate.

"But what are we going to do?" Tina asks.

"Well easy if we have to fight we will." I tell her. "But I just hope it doesn't end up that way." I add. We will only fight if need be.

"Yes, but we will try to prevent that as much as possible." Carter agrees.

"Alright, so what should we do?" Juniper asks nervously.

"I will convince them to come to a meeting and we can discuss peace terms." Noah says casually.

"Alright, so we will meet here and if they attack we will attack back." I tell him.

"And I will help you." Noah nods in agreement.

"Why?" Tina snaps at him.

"I have my mate and I will do anything to protect him." Noah puts his forehead on Luke's.

"Aw." Candace gushes. "That is the cutest thing."

"Whatever, so we have to trust the vampire?" Tina says.

"I trust him." Luke says proudly.

"I trust him too." Carter agrees.

"So do I. So it's a plan. Tina you get your father, Juniper get my father we need to talk." I tell them like an alpha would.

"You are a born alpha." Noah comments as the two leave in a hurry.

"Yes, I guess so." I shrug. That's what I've been told my whole life.

"So is Carter. You are the perfect pair." Noah says to us. "I better get going. I'll see you soon mate." He kisses Luke softly before heading out. Well we just have to hope this plan will work.

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