Chapter 5

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After the coach finishes the rules I see Isaac watching me. Is he trying to figure me out? What's his game? I mean he's good looking but he's a werewolf.

"Carter, so um how old are you exactly" Juniper blushed as I notice him sitting next to me on the other side. I haven't determined if he is a werewolf, but I have a feeling he is.

"I'm 14, and what about you and Isaac" I ask wanting to get the most information on boh of them as possible. Well more on Isaac.

"I'm 16 and a junior" Juniper smirks. Just like my sister.

"18, and a senior" Isaac answers. Oh wow he's already an adult. "And I'm also the son of the town mayor" he informs me. Yup this town is run my werewolves.

"My dad is the cheif of police" Juniper says. Are these guys competing for my attention? You have to be kidding me.

"Cool, my dad is a sale's man and well my mom she's a medical assistant" I tell them. We moved because dad found a good sale's job in this town and well mom got a job at the local hospital.

"Cool, my mom is a stay at home mom" Juniper blushes in a super cute way. I have to admit he is cute in the adorable geeky way.

"Cool" I smile as the bell rings. English here I come. I walk away basically running hopefully leaving them behind. I just know I'm going to run into other werewolves, I mean this is their town.

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