We smiled at each other for a minute until I looked down to see the guy I haven't met before and said, "Hi it's nice to meet you I'm Sam but most people call me Sammy." He smiled and said, "So you're the famous Sammy that Andy wouldn't stop yapping about! It's nice to meet you I'm JP or Josh, whatever you want to call me." 

I grinned, showing my white teeth and said, "I like you already you know why? Cus you can speak a bit of elvish." He laughed and said, "You like lord of the rings then?" 

I smirked and said, "Do Merry and Pippin love ale?" He laughed again and said, "Good point, good point." 

I looked at them again and asked, "Are you guys going to the bar tonight?" Jamie burst out by yelling, "Hell yeah!" I laughed at him and said, "Well it was really good to see you again and it was nice meeting you JP. I'll see you guys later." I gave them a wave and walked off and made my way back to the villa. 

*Andy's P.O.V* 

I felt my breath hitch in my throat as I looked at her. I was so worried at her when she left. I never even got the chance to give her the present I got her, it was still in my car. I kept sending her texts and calling because I was so worried about her. I have to admit that I gave Stevie a good punch that left my knuckles bruising for a while but he admitted that he deserved it so we're all good but I still resent him a little bit for hurting her. 

I thought that over the 3 months that she'd been gone that I was starting to get over my feelings for her but she's come back and they hit me in the face. Again.  And that lip ring, god I feel like i'm going to collapse. 

I watched her until she rounded the corner and I turned to see Jamie and JP giving me cheeky smirks. I furrowed my brows and asked, "What?" They chuckled at me and JP said, "Oh man. You're so whipped." 

*Sam's P.O.V* 

I was walking past the beach looking out at the ocean and though 'Screw it, I'm going back in.'

I went to lock up and grabbed my board and ran down to the beach. I pulled the top half of my wetsuit up and looked around. I saw a group of 4 people down the beach and saw JP, Andy and 2 other girls. 

I reached for the zipper on my back and realized that I was wearing to one that didn't have the pulley. 

I sighed and looked around and saw that on the beach behind the group was Alex and Nicola. I picked up my board and ran towards them and placed it at the end of their seats and said, "Hey guys." They smiled at me and Nicola said in her Irish accent, "Hiya Sammy. How are you?" I grinned and said, "I'm good yeah, hey would you mind if you zipped up my wetsuit. I want to go and surf again."

She nodded and stood up behind me and I pulled my hair to the side. I gave her a quick hug and said, "Thank you! I'll see you guys tonight yeah?" They nodded and Alex said, "Try not to get bitten by a shark!" I laughed and ran over to the edge of the water. I decided to leave my hair down because the wind was quite strong.

I ran in and started to paddle. I felt multiple pairs of eyes watching me but stayed focused. I rode into a wave and stood up and began to ride. I did this for about 20 minutes before feeling thirsty. I carried my board up onto the shore and as I grabbed my bottle that I'd laid on the sand I heard a voice shout, "Sammy! Come over here!"

I snapped my head over to where to voice came from to see it was JP. I smiled and grabbed my board and began to jog over to where he was standing with Andy and the other 2 girls that I hadn't met before.

I came to a stop beside JP and said, "Hey guys, what's up?" "Just thought we'd call you over and say Hi. I don't think you've met the girls. Sammy this is Millie and Jess, Millie and Jess meet Sam." I put my board onto the ground and said, "Hi, I would greet you properly but I have just come out of the water." Jess has blonde hair and blue eye and Millie had brown hair and blue eyes.

"It's nice to meet you. We've heard so much about you from everyone," Jess told me. I smiled and said, "All good I hope." They nodded and Millie said, "Of course. I hope you don't mind me mentioning this but we've heard about what happened with Stevie." My smile faltered a second and I said, "I don't think anyone hasn't now. I just kind of had to get away for a while and I can't help but feel a little bit guilty for running away." I rubbed the back of my neck and Andy suddenly chipped in and said, " No. You don't have anything to be guilty for! He screwed up and you don't deserve that." I looked up at him and smiled slightly while saying, "Thanks Andy."

The other were giving Andy looks other than Jess. I don't really get what for but anyway. I started to feel a bit uncomfortable in my wetsuit so asked, "Hey, can one of you guys unzip my wetsuit please?" Andy jumped forward and said, "I'll do it."

I smiled at him and brushed my wet hair to the side. I felt his soft fingers brush the back of my neck and grip the zip. I got light goose bumps as I felt his breath on my neck. He pulled the zip down and turned around, pulling my arms out of the sleeves and pulled it down to my waist.

I heard a cheeky whistle from JP and I laughed and hit his chest. I checked the time on my waterproof watch and said, "Well, I better lock my board up so I can get ready for tonight so I'll see you guys later. It was great to meet you girls." They nodded and said, "You too."

This time I actually headed home.

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