Now, where is my wife...

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I woke up in the middle of the night to someone moving in bed. Soon, I felt Cesar's stubbly face kissing my back. I thought about reaching for the gun, but for some reason, I let him continue.

He kissed my back up to my shoulder.

"Now, where is my wife..." he said as he kept kissing me. I could smell smoke, like he'd been smoking, but it was more on his clothes than his face, suggesting he was around people who smoked rather than smoking himself. I also caught a whiff of women's perfume... Shannon's. I'd smelled it on her before.

I didn't turn around. I let him do what he wanted. The whole time, I was thinking about when I should grab the gun, trying to make sense of things. He'd just spent the day with Shannon. Why was he looking for me? It wasn't the first time this had happened. It seemed like he always sought me out when she was around or right after being with her. I wondered why. If he liked me enough to prefer being with me, why was she even in the picture? I'd asked him more than once to be with me. Why didn't he just end things with her and settle down with me?

Meanwhile, I let him do what he wanted. I spent the entire time trying to understand our situation until he was satisfied and collapsed beside me. I didn't even turn to look at him.

I felt his hand touch my arm, caressing it. After a while, the caressing stopped, and he seemed to fall asleep. I waited a bit longer until he was in a deep sleep, then slowly reached under the mattress. I found the gun. My finger slid over it, but then I felt Cesar move. He realized what I was doing and came over me to get what I was reaching for. It didn't take him long to find the gun.

Worried, I turned to see his reaction. He looked at the gun and took a deep breath. Then he lowered his head, seeming frustrated with something. Without saying a word, he put the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger, collapsing on top of me.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now