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After breakfast, I called her to the room where I had slept. I asked if it was the largest room in the house, and she said all were the same size except for the main one. She gave me a tour of the house, and then I had an idea. I would take the two front rooms of the house and turn them into one, with a huge closet for my things. Our assistant said she would contact the necessary team, and with Cesar's approval, they would do a study.

I said I wanted that renovation done yesterday.

Fortunately, Cesar approved, and the work started right away. On the same day, an architect came and asked if I had any preferences. I left everything in his hands. I just said the room style should evoke femininity and fertility.

He didn't quite get it, but he said he would do his best.

That week, I received a call from my lawyer saying that Cesar had withdrawn the divorce petition. On that same day, I received a message from Vince.

"Thinking about you..."

One afternoon, as I was heading to my temporary room, I saw MaryAnne standing, looking towards my new room, and laughing. I could hear a ruckus coming from there, so I approached to see.

"What is going on?"

When I reached the hallway, I could see the three men of the house armed with sledgehammers ready to destroy the walls.

"It's demolition time!" explained Rony.

"I cannot believe it..." I thought aloud.

"Boys," MaryAnn lamented, "can't keep away from dust and tools."

We could hear roars and cheers coming from inside the room. They were really having fun in there. I sighed and headed to my temporary room.

Over the following days, the three of them really got involved with the project of my room. They were obsessed and spoke of nothing more. I had made some decisions that were fiercely contested by the gang.

"But this is what I agreed on with my architect," I said to Cesar, who vehemently wanted to change a part of the project.

"He may know a lot about architecture, but he certainly does not know about this home."

"And you do?"

"Yeah, I do. Now, if you wish to..."

They took a liking to it and wouldn't leave me alone. A project that was supposed to take four weeks only took two. Partly because the men of the house took it on as a new form of therapy to pass the time there.

In the end, it felt like the three of them were pampering me. They were all enjoying the work, while doing everything meticulously. Each of them was proud of what they did, and that made my room dear to all of them. On the day of the reveal, they made a big fuss. They sealed the room and made me wear a blindfold to enter.

"But I was the one who chose everything in the design!" I said as they led me into the room. "There can be no surprise for me."

"Wait for it..." commented Rony, guiding me by the hand. They made such a fuss that even Mary-Anne and our assistant (Annie) were there to witness it.

"Ta da!" they said as they removed my blindfold.

I was amazed. The room was much better than planned. Every detail, every addition, was so much better than I could have thought.

"What do you think?" asked Rony.

"It's incredible! You guys did this?"

Then Rony recounted what he did, followed by Cesar. Chaos stayed quiet in a corner until Rony explained.

"Chaos was a big help with everything... and he made this..." Then Rony pointed to a wooden piece, all carved and crafted.

"What do you mean he made this? He bought the parts and assembled?"


"He carved it by hand," remarked Cesar.

I was astonished looking at him. Then the bunch dragged me to show other details.

Out of nowhere, Annie appeared with a bottle of champagne while the maid handed out glasses to everyone. I found it all a big joke, but I ended up having fun.

That night, Annie brought me a beautiful nightgown to sleep in and inaugurate my new master room. I found everything amazing and soon fell asleep. The mattress they had chosen was the best in the world, not to mention the bedding. My giant canopy bed made me feel like royalty there.

"A goddess... as you said..." I thought, remembering what the man had said. I soon fell asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night thirsty. I looked around and suddenly saw a figure standing near the door but already inside the room. The shock must have made me faint and come back there.

"Don't be alarmed," I heard Chaos say in his native language. "I won't harm you." He walked slowly around the room. "I just wanted to see what the first night of a princess would be like here."

"There, you saw it," I replied.

"Yes, and now I'll let you rest. Sorry for disturbing your sleep. Good night, mother."

As he left, closing the double door, I heard Cesar commenting something and then he came to see me. Cesar reached the door and looked at me, saying,

"Beautiful," as if I were part of a painting. Then he left, closing the door behind him.

~ ~ ~

The next day, first thing in the morning, another episode. I was with the assistant, getting ready at my new dresser, when someone knocked on the door.

"You may come in!" she said without thinking. The door opened a little and we could hear Chaos's voice, with his strong accent.

"Are you decent?"

"Yes, she is" she said. "You may come in."

"I... just wanted to show you..." He entered and approached the vanity to show me secret compartments with more makeup, accessories and beauty products.

"Woooow..." she said.

I was stunned, looking at him.

"Thank you..." I said, amazed. "Chaos."

He smiled and left. Annie gave me a look like we were flirting, and I had to count to a thousand to keep from saying something I'd regret later.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now