New bedroom needed

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I continued politely conversing with everyone, trying to maintain good communication. Cesar seemed uncomfortable. As dinner ended and we got up from the table, I thought it best to clarify things.

"Find a room that you are most comfortable with," I spoke in a low tone, so only he could hear. He looked at me confused, and I ignored it. I left the table and went to the living room to have a glass of something with our new happy family.

Later that night, I was in the room finishing getting ready for bed when our assistant came in.

"I just came to grab some stuff for Cesar."

"Yes... be sure to move all the rest of his stuff to his chosen room tomorrow."

She paused for a moment to process the information, then reluctantly responded,

"Okay," and left the room.

I looked around and decided that, as soon as possible, I would make some changes there. I always found that room a bit tacky. It was time for a renovation.

The next day, I met up with the new friends and we had another afternoon session at the SPA. They all praised my decision to come back home and gave me a thousand pieces of advice, all of which I ignored. What mattered was an afternoon of champagne, good laughs, and good services. I returned home in the late afternoon feeling wonderful.

As soon as I arrived, I found Rony sitting alone in our favorite spot, enjoying a drink of some sort. I joined him immediately. After vague conversations about my day at the SPA with the girls, I broached a delicate subject.

"Ron, how can I arrange for a meeting with the elders?"

"Why would you want to do that?"

"I have my reasons." He fell silent. He seemed reluctant to give me this information. "Can we make a deal of some sort?"

"What kind of a deal?"

"Next time something bad happens, you take me to them."

"Don't get me wrong, Poodle, but I would prefer to stay out of this altogether. Cesar knows the way. He can take you there if needed."

"After everything that he's done..."

"You're alive," he concluded, closing that topic once and for all.

Then we went back to silently sipping our drinks.

~ ~ ~

At bedtime, another disappointment.

I was getting ready to sleep when Cesar entered the room. He went to the wardrobe, got his shorts, went to the bathroom, and came out ready to sleep. I watched indignantly as he made his way to the bed and collapsed like a tree trunk.

"What are you doing?"

"Going to sleep."

"Not in here," I said, but he didn't respond. "Go to your..."

"This is my room."

"No, this is my room."

"Right," he said, settling into bed.

I got up and used an object to break the glass of one of the windows in the room. Then I threw the object on the floor and walked out.

I went straight to the next room. I couldn't sleep, so I went out and went to the living room to grab a bottle of any drink to help. I came back, drank almost half the bottle, and then passed out.

The next day, I had to wear sunglasses in the morning to help with the hangover. At breakfast, he commented.

"Good morning to all and thank you for a horrible night of sleep," he said, addressing me.

"It was well deserved, and I do not appreciate your tone. It's too early in the morning."

Then the assistant arrived and said some things that distracted us.

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