Thinking about the future

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I was still grappling with indecision. The following two days passed in a haze of uncertainty and confusion.

A few days later, the doorbell rang once again. "Why did he give me a phone if he's never going to use it?" I muttered to myself. However, when I peered out the window, I was taken aback. It was Victor.

Uncertain of what to do, I descended to greet him.

"Victor, hi!"

"Hey there!"

"What a surprise!"

"Yeah, I heard you were working and living upstairs. I just found out that's no longer the case."

"Yes. What brings you here? Is everything alright with Vince?"

"It is. I dropped by his place, but... he's out with that girl from work, and... then I thought you might want some of this," he mentioned, holding up one of Vince's bottles of vodka.

In that moment, everything clicked into place for me. And in that moment (as before), I succumbed to Victor's allure.

Once back at my place, it didn't take long for Victor to reveal his true intentions. Throughout our encounter, I questioned myself multiple times. "What am I doing?" But the answer quickly followed, "thinking about the future." Victor didn't stay long and soon departed. He had a certain grace about him in everything he did; it was hard to put into words.

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