Fire escape

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Devastated and not knowing where to turn, I decided to try one last move. I still had our last conversation saved, along with his address. It didn't take long for me, and the bag, to knock on his door. He was visibly surprised when he saw me.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure," he said, giving me room to enter.

"I know I should have called, but... I was afraid you would just turn me away."

"And why exactly would I do that?"

I smiled, as if to say, "Right answer."

"Are you expecting someone tonight?"

"A little bit later, yeah."

"Can I stay?"

He was near the fridge when he froze and looked at me.


"Oh no, not like that." He sighed in relief. "Can I just stay the night?"

"But I have someone coming over..."

I looked around and saw the fire escape.

"Just give me a bottle of your cheapest wine and I'll be fine."

He opened the fridge.


"Yes, please."

He brought two bottles and sat down in front of me. We toasted.


After taking a sip, he started.

"So... what's going on... what are you... ?"

"I just needed to breathe."

"From life at home?"

"I was actually staying at a hotel... am staying at a hotel. But the situation surrounding me... argh! I just needed to breathe for a little bit."

"I see."

Then someone rang the doorbell.

"That's me." He got up and grabbed a bottle of cheap wine and handed it to me. I took my beer bottle too and a blanket for the stairs. He closed the window and asked me to be quiet. I settled on the stairs as best as I could, becoming completely invisible to anyone inside. There, on the fire escape, I calmly drank my intoxicants until I fell asleep.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now