MS. Lilian, Mr. Cesar is here.

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The lawyer's visits continued and the process was brought forward. The fight now is that I wanted everything I could get out of Cesar, and he only wanted to give me what I earned from Mr. Salazaar. We were going to have a conciliation meeting to see if there was any agreement. I was willing to not give in.

Since I left home I haven't spoken to him anymore. Not that I wanted to, but sometimes I would like to understand better what was happening. In fact, I had expected everything to resolve itself within me, but it didn't. I hoped that with the distance I would let go of him, but unfortunately I ended up missing him.

One afternoon, I was getting ready to go to the mall when the phone rang.

- MS. Lilian, Mr. Cesar is here.

As a woman in love is a stupid creature, I replied:

— Okay, you can authorize his access. Thanks.

As there was no end to the stupidity and lack of shame on my face, I ran to look in the mirror and see if I looked okay. For a second, I thought he might very well have come to talk, and I would have had to hold myself together as much as I could to keep from fainting in front of him.

I felt his presence approaching. Very respectfully he knocked on the door. I took a deep breath and opened it. Just looking at him, I felt a shock go through my body. He looked beautiful, smelling good and well-groomed.

— Hi — Cesar said.

— Hi... — I replied. "Come in," I said, giving way for him to enter. As I entered, I found myself in despair, as I didn't know what to do. I thought I'd start with the basics. — Would you like something to drink? They have a... — I said, going towards the minibar, then he kissed me and the madness started. We made a mess in the room and, after attacking each other in several ways, we ended up lying down, exhausted.

— Did you want to tell me something? — I asked, making fun.

He smiled and replied:

- Come home?

That's when my smile faded, thinking about all the things that happened there. Without answering, I sat down and started to get dressed. He did the same.

After I was dressed, I continued to sit on the bed, facing away from him. He finished getting ready and came to talk to me. He bent down in front of me, resting his arms on my legs.

- Are you sure? — Cesar questioned and held my hand, kissing it. I shook my head, signaling yes. He took a deep breath and continued: — See you at the next meeting, then.

On the day of the meeting, we barely looked at each other. Lawyers performed their function. The conversation went on far and I was almost bored to death, until his lawyer said:

— She says she wants a divorce, but she won't refuse him a visit to her hotel room. — Coincidentally, I was drinking water and started choking from then on. — This proves that she is still in love with him and is looking for nothing more than revenge. Your requests are excessive and go beyond the limits of reason. All because she can't keep her legs closed.

I choked up so much that I gestured to ask to get out of there. The conciliator agreed to give us a few minutes.

We went to the next room where, after composing myself, my lawyer asked:

— Do you have anything to tell me?

— It shouldn't matter!

— Of course it matters. Everything matters!

I turned my back and tried to control myself, then this came out:

— Que ódio!!! - Yes, in Portuguese.

The lawyer gave me a minute, and then concluded:

— We need to go back there now.

— I don't want to do this anymore.

— If we interrupt this meeting, the case will go directly to court.

- All good.

— Is this what you really want?

- I do not care anymore. This whole thing got out of control.

- All good. Let's go back there now. Stay calm.

Returning to the room, I refused to look at Cesar. The lawyers could not reach an agreement, so the meeting was postponed. I left there like a hurricane, walking at a fast pace. I heard Cesar call me twice, but I didn't stop. I left there and went straight to Vince's house.

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