Coming home

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I returned happily to the hotel with my leather briefcase. I went to my room and took a decent shower. I informed the hotel of my decision to leave and requested the necessary services. After paying my stay in cash, my briefcase and I got into a taxi and headed home. Upon arriving, I had a pleasant surprise. Vince was there, at Cesar's office door, talking to him. When he saw me, he seemed surprised.

"There she is..." He said, taking a few steps toward me. "... where have you been?"

Soon Cesar appeared in the doorway too and seemed relieved to see me.

"That is none of your concern."

"Like hell it isn't. You know what you said to me in your last visit."

"Yes, and I remember your advice. I decided to take it."

"What advice?" Cesar asked. Vince put his hands on his hips and looked at the carpet, irritated.

"Vince advised me to come home."

Vince took a deep breath and looked at Cesar. They exchanged a glance for a second, then he turned to me, deciding...

"I'm glad that you did. I... should probably be going now. Cesar," he said, bidding farewell to Cesar. Then he came to me and kissed my cheek, saying, "Call me," and then he left.

As soon as I found myself alone with Cesar, I just gave a somewhat awkward "hi" smile and went upstairs to leave my briefcase and purse. When I returned to the living room, he was no longer there. I went out to the garden and soon found the happy family playing mini-golf.

"Look who it is," Rony said, sitting and waiting for a match between mother and son.

"And this time to stay."

"Really?" he said as I sat beside him. He extended his arm and hugged me like a younger sister, giving me a kiss on the forehead. "Welcome back, kiddo."


"Do you want to play?" MaryAnne asked, with her scarf around her neck and stylish sunglasses. "I'm tired of beating him."

I thought for a second and...

"Why not?"

I would have taken a picture of myself at that moment, playing golf with one of the worst witches of all time and her son, who was an exact clone of my late husband. At least, the one I chose.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora