She said no

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Back at home, I was sitting at my new vanity, removing my makeup and brushing my hair, while thinking about recent events. I was trying to find some logic behind Jase's words, which were always so accurate. I was also trying to understand Chaos's purpose and, above all, my position in all of this.

The next day, I was still lost in my thoughts. I had breakfast and followed my routine at home, but in the afternoon, I found myself sitting in the same place, thinking about the same things.

"Hey," Cesar interrupted my thoughts. 

I looked at the door and saw him entering the room. His face looked strange. Since he had spent most of the day behind closed doors, I immediately thought he had spent the afternoon indulging in various substances. He looked visibly different. 

"May I help you?" I asked, but he didn't respond. Instead, he approached me and pulled me towards him, lifting me from the chair. Then he tried to kiss me, but I refused. "No," I said, while trying to break free. But it was all useless. He roughly turned me around and started kissing my neck while his hands roamed my body. "Stop it," I insisted. 

He grabbed my hair forcefully and pulled, asking, "What's the matter?" He was holding so tightly that for a moment I was more worried about that than what he was saying. "I know you want it." I tried to turn to the side, but he had me pinned against the wall, between the vanity and the nightstand. I tried to push his hands away, but he persisted. 

"Stop it! Move away!" I insisted again, but he showed no signs of stopping. That's when we were interrupted by MaryAnne. 

"Is everything all right in here?" Thankfully, Cesar stopped and stepped back a little. He looked at MaryAnne, and before he could say anything, she verbalized, "She said no." 

Reluctantly, Cesar left the room. I thanked MaryAnne silently. She understood and gave me a wink before leaving.

Real.Doc - Part 1 - Cesar (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now