Chapter 85

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it was disappointing, not being able to fight the admiral. but it seems that his target is Jules and she can handle him most probably. I still don't know her limit so I can't help but keep an eye on her as she fights with the tree man.

I watch her run across the marine ship railing with unimaginable speed and smoothness. She moved so gracefully cutting through the air and then jumped just as beautifully and threw her knife towards the tree man.

but what shocked me was how the Kinef retracted back to her just seconds before it could impel Tree Man. I had seen her do that before when she fought off those Marines a few months back. how does her knife come back to her?

as soon as the knife was back in her hand she swiftly lunged forward and slashed Tree Man on his right side and then moved from behind him and then slashed him on his left side just as fast, Tree Man didn't get a chance to see what was coming. Jules stopped a few feet away from the tree man with that goddamned smirk on her face. I loved seeing that look in her eyes, the way the cool turquoise burns like hot blue fire when she is fighting, the way she smoothly moves around dodging and attacking. I can watch her do this deadly damn of hers for a long time.


damn these marines are annoying, they are not getting over, more and more keep on coming. but of course, it's easy to fight such small fires, without much effort. if I was fighting Tree Man this would have been over by now but, that piece of wood wants to catch Jules and I cannot fight him when his target is not me.

" oi, Luffy." Ussop yelled from the upper deck as she shot another group of marines overboard. " another fleet incoming, 3 o'clock." he said pointing in that direction. there I saw it, another marine fleet of around 5 huge ships.

' yosh another opponent to fight.' I thought getting rid of more marines so that I could fight the new enemy. it will be a good warmup.



" tch...... Aramaki never listens. how did he even get to know about the order?" an old man said through the den den mushi, his voice rough and clear indication of his old age. he was old but not one to be underestimated.

" damn brat always causes problems, he is young and a strong fighter but lacks discipline. he is not even picking up my calls. probably too busy fighting unnecessary fights." the man sitting in his office said, a red shirt and a white coat with bold letters of justice handing on his broad shoulder.

Fleet Admiral Akainu. he really didn't know if he should feel pride in being a Fleet admiral in this era or if should he bang his head on a wall. not only were pirates getting more notorious and a pain in the ass like never before but one of the new Admirals is also a headache, who idolizes him yet manages to mess things up by trying to impress him. and not to mention the 5 elders who are constantly giving out orders and currently pressuring him regarding the recent order they gave.

"I heard Aramaki messed things up in Wano as well. did you really send him to capture the new empower?" the old man on the other side of like asked the Fleet admiral. "of course not, that damn nuisance went there on his own and git himself a dose of Red-haired Shanks." Akainu said sighing. damn, it had been a headache explaining this to the commander-in-chief. 

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