POV : you go on a platonic date with cupid ( holiday!lust)

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( Heya readers! i know it has been a while since ive wrote any undertale stuff. i honestly just havent been motivated to and i don't like forcing myself to write stuff that i'm not super passionate about. anyways i wanted to give you all a little treat in the middle of my other pieces of work. please enjoy! btw the art on the cover for this chapter is my own art!)

        You once again were having a valentine's day without romance. Sure at this point you're quite used to it but it always puts you down in the dumps to be alone on the day purposely made to celebrate love. Sure you can show your love for your friends but you do that on a daily basis anyway. You quietly let out a sorrow filled sigh as you sit in the diner alone at a table while surrounded by lovers of all sorts. You would sip at your strawberry soda and finish on your small lunch planning to just go home for the rest of the holiday.

As you eat the rest of your sandwich and salad the sound of the bell on the diner doors would catch your attention. A fairly tall skeleton walks into the diner. He had beautiful massive angel wings that looked like a cape behind him. He also wore an outfit that made him look like a highschool sweetheart despite him clearly no longer being in his teen years. You had never seen this particular monster before despite ending up at this diner almost every valentine's day. The large skeleton seemed to notice your attention on him and would make his way over curious about the only person eating alone . 

     You would look at the skeleton. His face was quite charming but also had a very kind and calming aura to it. He would give you a kind smile as his smooth and charm filled voice spoke. " Well hello there darling. I don't believe ive ever seen you around this au. Are you an au folk? ' you nodded before explaining to the kind hearted stranger about your fondness for the au. You decide to ask the skeleton his name . the skeleton would smile a bit more. " Well I'm always glad to hear about au folks who purposely make trips over here. My name is lust but you can just call me cupid darling. What would your name be? " you would compliment cupid on his nickname finding it quite cute and fitting before giving him your name. Cupid nodded . " That's quite a lovely name you got there! Don't think I've ever heard a name quite like that around here. "

Cupid seemed to notice that you were sitting alone and would question as he took a seat across from you. " what are you doing alone on valentine's day darling? " you would do your best to keep your spirits high as you explain to cupid your issues with finding romance. Despite you trying your best to not make the chat sad you could see cupid slightly frown as he listens to you about your situation. Though his kindhearted smile would soon return as he gently took your free hand questioning you once more. " If I may, would you mind if I hung out with you for a while? I quite honestly myself didn't have plans today. I would love to make this day a bit more special for you as long as you don't mind darling. " 

        You would simply just nod as an answer to cupid's question. You had honestly never had anyone offer such a kind gesture so it was a bit jarring to you but you also appreciated cupid's gesture towards you. Cupid's smile would grow a bit more as he would flag down a waitress. She would make her way over seeming to know cupid. " well happy birthday mister cupid! What would you like today dear? " cupid would just continue to give his charming smile. "For me I'd like my normal slice of strawberry cheesecake with a hot coco. " cupid would then glance at you. " Would you like a sweet treat darling? " you would think about it for a moment before deciding to get the same as cupid. After you finished your order the waitress nodded with a smile as she walked off. " I'll get that for you two in a moment! "

While the waitress is gone you would glance at cupid. You tell him that you think it's quite interesting that his birthday lands on valentine's day. Cupid nodded. " It always surprises most au folks to learn when my birthday is. It's not everyday that you meet someone born on a holiday after all. " You simply nod to that as you finish off your lunch. While you do so cupid would pull out his wallet grabbing way more money then he would need to pay just for the sweets. You would notice it but just stay quiet not knowing what cupid had planned. 

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