I NEVER WANTED THIS! ( heavy angst)

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( well well well hello my lovely readers! as you can already see from the title this fic is going to be pretty depressing. first of all i heavily recomend that before you read this to learn about my oc obsidian. if you want to take the time to learn about him and murdoc's horrid relationship please consider reading " he didn't start the fire " and  " burning bridges " before you continue on to this story. for people who don't want to take the time to flip through my many gorillaz stories and just want to read this i'll give you a short description of obsidian. he's pretty much my version of the devil and has taken over murdoc's soul to feast on it. when obsidian does this he pretty much makes murdoc mentally numb and very aggressive making him act out. anyways if you want to learn more about obsidian and his horrid acitons before this go check out the two fics i just mentioned. alright before i write a whole novel let me give you the trigger warnings for this fic before you dear reader decide to read it. this story contains : emplied physical and verbal abuse, starvation and dehydraition, yelling, demon possesion , mentions of panic attacks and heart attacks,  and mentions of hell/ the underworld. anyways enough of my rambling please enjoy this story! )

         It had been six months since murdoc and 2d had been trapped in this plastic purgatory. 2d nor murdoc barely could remember what day it was. All the days were just merging together at this point. It was a late night. 2d had been in his prison of a room for three days after an escape attempt. Murdoc had left him without food, water, or any necessities. 2d was curled up on his small frameless bed with his face tucked into his knees. He would silently sob and whimper to himself ... .murdoc ... ..truly was no longer the person 2d had known before noodle had got shot down.... He was.... A fucking monster with a care for nobody but himself at this point. It broke 2d's soul to see someone he had once seen as a friend and family ... .lose any care for anybody who he once loved and greatly cared for.

Suddenly 2d would dart his solid black eyes to the door hearing it creak open. It was murdoc. Before murdoc could do anything 2d was already making assumptions out of pure fucking fear flenching as he closes his eyes yelling out. " D-DONT HURT ME! P-PLEASE! " 2d would fully curl up into a defensive ball as his body uncontrollably shivers in pure panic while fear filled tears go down 2d's already bruised up face. 

      Murdoc would just stay silent as he watched his bandmate go into a heavy state of panic from just seeing him...despite murdoc wanting to be able to show his true colors....obsidian was fighting for control of his soul making it nearly completely impossible for murdoc to show any sort of care for 2d. He had a tray in his hands. A glass of water along with a bland but edible stew of jellyfish meat. He would sigh just putting the tray down on the bed. " just eat stu. I don't need you dead-'' 2d would quickly cut off murdoc in rage filled fear. " I-I RATHER FUCKING D-DIE THEN BE HERE WITH YOU M-MURDOC! YOU'VE B-BECOME A FUCKING M-MONSTER! Y-YOUR NO LONGER THE P-PERSON WHO A-ASKED ME TO JOIN THEIR BAND! Y-YOUR NO LONGER MY F-FAMILY! MY ADOPTED FAMILY IS ALL D-DEAD!"

Murdoc couldn't find a way to respond ... .his soul going into his throat as he had never seen 2d this angry and upset. Murdoc could feel obsidian temporarily lose his grip on his soul as murdoc's negative feelings become too strong from the demonic entity to keep hidden. For once in quite a few months....murdoc would feel tears go down his face....he would mutter out as he tries to somehow help 2d even if he knew it probably wouldn't be much help to the singer mentally. " stu...please...i...you're the only person i still have as...a true family member...i cant...i can't lose you ... .please..." 

       2d would suddenly freeze up ... ..hearing the genuine side of murdoc after.....months of hell...his only response was more sobbing as he whimpered out. " w-what has happened to you m-murdoc?..." murdoc would stand in the room ... .trying to find a verbal response ... .but all he could come up with to do was sit next to 2d and gently side hug him. " i-i'm so sorry s-stu....i c-can't control myself a-anymore...you d-don't deserve this s-shit.....i'm so s-sorry stu...." murdoc was at this point sobbing just as hard as 2d was unable to hold in the overwhelming emotions and wanting to get everything out before obsidian chooses to return without warning.

2d would slightly flinch at murdoc's touch...he was nervous to accept the hug....but seeing...murdoc so mentally crippled...2d knew that...murdoc was being honest...he would just let himself stay in murdoc's arm as he stuttered out. " w-why are you d-doing this murdoc?...f-first you kidnapped m-me....and n-now....where both h-hundreds of miles from l-land....w-why murdoc? " despite murdoc wanting to tell 2d....murdoc felt his soul slightly ache.... Obsidian was trying to get his control back...and was not willing to let his vessel release the truth to 2d.

Murdoc would let out a shaky sigh as he could feel his soul losing its temporary freedom....he would gently move 2d's chin to look up at his face forcing out a promise that murdoc hoped that he would be able to keep. " i-i promise s-stu...that...w-we will be h-home soon enough..." 2d wouldn't know how to respond to murdoc's words ... .not able to tell if murdoc was just trying to give him false hope...but he forces himself to accept the promise...he would just quietly nod. " o-ok murdoc..." 

      As Murdoc could feel the horrible demon king nearly gaining his full control back once more he would force himself to release his grip on 2d not wanting obsidian to make him hurt 2d. Murdoc would gently wipe his own tears with his sweater sleeve as he got up from the bed forcing out one last genuine response to 2d. " please get some rest stu...i'll see you in the morning. " murdoc before 2d could respond would force himself upstairs not letting obsidian have time to lash out at that mentally fragile singer.

2d Once murdoc gave his last words to him had tried to say the same to murdoc...but he was gone again. 2d sighed.....frowning....he really wondered what was going on with murdoc. He would glance at the water and now room temperature stew...his stomach painfully growled at seeing food after three days of having nothing in it. He would quickly grab the glass of water, choking it down his extremely dry throat. Despite it being horrible quality water wise...it felt like a blessing to the frail singer. He was also very quick to take down the stew. Despite the slimy and tingly tentacles of the jellyfish nearly making the singer want to throw the meat back up he had to mentally tell himself that it was chicken from the taste. Despite it being a horrible meal...it was going to keep the singer alive for another day ...2d would quickly move the tray to the ground as he laid down on the bed ...looking up at the metal ceiling....he let out a shaky sigh. " I hope you weren't lying murdoc..." 2d would force himself to sleep knowing he needed the sleep after his terrifying panic attack. 

     Meanwhile Murdoc would walk back to his extremely cluttered and disgusting hell of a room. He would shut the door behind him before forcing out in genuine rage. " I WANT YOU TO GET THE HELL OUT OF ME OBSIDIAN! YOUR RUINING MY FUCKING LIFE! " obsidian would respond with a stabbing pain to murdoc's soul making the bassist flinch in pain as he nearly falls to the ground in pain. Obsidian would tease his vessel in his mind. " But my dear vessel. You made a deal with me- " murdoc would cut obsidian off snarling out. " I NEVER WANTED ANYTHING LIKE THIS! I NEVER ASKED YOU TO PUT ME AND MY ONLY FAMILY MEMBER I STILL HAVE IN MY LIFE THROUGH MENTAL HELL! I JUST WANTED MY BAND AND FAMILY FUCKING BACK! I WANTED MY NIECE BACK! NOT A BLOODY PIECE OF SCRAP METAL THAT WILL NEVER BE ANYTHING LIKE HER! YOU FUCKING LIED TO ME! "

Suddenly an even sharper pain would go through Murdoc's soul forcing the bassist to the ground. He would clench his burned chest in pain feeling like he was going to have a soul attack. Obsidian would growl in rage in Murdoc's mind not liking his vessel trying to stand up to him. " stay in your fucking place vessel or i'll personally send you and that useless fucking singer to the depths of hell~ besides...i'm sure your niece and best friend wouldnt mind having your company while they eternally burn in the underworld~ " 

     All Murdoc could do was silently listen to obsidian in too much pain to respond back....tears rolling down his face ... ... ..not wanting to think about his family...burning alive in the depths of obsidian's horrid kingdom. Murdoc would just silently sob on the ground as his soul aches in his chest. Obsidian would give a sinister and heartless chuckle at his vessel becoming submissive to him once more. " very good vessel~ finally you know your fucking place~ " obsidian would finally stop the pain in murdoc's soul letting the extremely upset and depressed man pass out ont he cold metal ground of his room. Murdoc's freedom is now gone once more from his desperate grasps. 

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