The few pleasent memories

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        It was seemingly just another day in the studio. Noodle was currently clearing out a storage closet in the spare bedroom looking for some stuff that 2d and Russell were looking for. Usually if the band were not able to find it in the rest of the studio it more than likely ended up in the overstuffed junk closet. Noodle honestly was even finding some of her own items from when she was much more little that she had thought were lost forever. From some of her old plushies, her helmet that she used to wear during the start of the band and even some old doodles and drawings that Russell had made sure to save in a box. Noodle couldn't help but smile. Even if she was now a teenager she wasn't the least bit embarrassed that her dad was willing to keep almost all her items. She actually found it quite kind of him to keep even the tiniest things for her to look back on in the future.

As noodle took more items off the shelves and gently placed them into a neat pile on a table something would catch her eye. A very dusty and almost falling apart box in the corner of a shelf. On it was a simple label made of tan tape that read " photos ". Noodle had never noticed this box in particular before...but she could definitely tell one thing by just looking at the label. It was Murdoc's handwriting. It honestly intrigued her....not knowing that her uncle was really...sentimental about items at all.

Noodle would gently take the box in her hands making sure that she didn't accidently do more damage to the already fragile box. The box despite just being photos was quite dense and heavy. This made noodle's curiosity absolutely peak...but....she also questioned herself.... If her uncle would like to know that his niece was snooping through his stuff....well...a small peek couldn't hurt...right? Noodle's curiosity was too strong for the teen to resist...she would gently take the nearly crumbling apart lid off the box fully throwing caution to the wind. 

     As noodle opened the box the first photo in front of her would right away catch her full attention. It was a photo of what seemed to be....uncle murdoc as a teenager. It was currently unknown to her who had snapped the photo but...she was much more curious by the other people in the photo. It seemed to be some sort of prom photo as murdoc was somewhat dressed up nicely. Next to Murdoc were two other slightly taller guys. One had long dark brown hair that was tied up in a nice ponytail behind his head. His striking eyes were a bright hot pink. He wore tinted glasses and looked very classy. The other guy seemed to be a bit less serious than the other two. He had lighter short brown hair that was messy and fluffy. He was still dressed nicely but you can definitely tell that it wasn't his normal fashion choice. Murdoc looked ...genuinely happy with the two guys ...noodle despite trying her best to think about it ...didn't recognize the two other guys at all. She would study the photo.....not paying attention to her surroundings at all. 

      As noodle had her whole focus on the photo murdoc would walk in. He was mainly just checking on noodle making sure his niece wasn't struggling with getting anything heavy off and on the shelves. Before murdoc could say anything....he noticed....noodle looking at....his old photos. It certainly wasn't something that he was expecting to walk into. As the door would shut behind murdoc noodle would finally look away from the photo glancing at her uncle ... .oh shit.

Before noodle could try to explain her nosiness murdoc would sigh glancing at the photo in noodle's hand. " sweet satan that prom got wild..." noodle would glance to murdoc surprised that he calm about the situation....murdoc rarely told anyone about his past and for him to be so casual about it was honestly...both confusing but it also perked noodle's curiosity up even more. " Who are the two guys in the photo with you uncle murdoc? I've never met them before. "

Murdoc was quick to join noodle on the hardly touched guest bed . He honestly for once ... ..was genuinely excited to talk about his past...mostly because.....unlike his main memories of the past...the photos were all fairly positive memories for the bassist. He sighed pointing out the one with long hair first. " This was my old friend gambit. He was a flirty twit and a daredevil. He also would gamble with anyone who was willing to lose money to him. " and then murdoc would point to the other guy. " this is wade. He was a bloody nerd that me and gambit pretty much adopted as are little brother. He tried to be a punk like me and gambit but he was too bloody soft. Though gambit did have a fondness of getting him in his schemes. And I usually had to save their asses from gambit's dumb schemes. " 

      Noodle despite trying to hold it in couldn't help but lightly chuckle at the way that her uncle described his friends. Murdoc would have a slight genuine smile watching his niece get a laugh out of his friends. "I'm sure you would like them both if you ever meet them. They were bloody idiots but it just meant that my life was never boring around them. " noodle as she continued to look at the photo would notice ... .someone's fingers slightly in front of the lens. The person's nails were painted a simple but nice black color. Noodle would point it out. " Who was taking the photo? " 

       Murdoc would glance at the photo....he knew someone was missing in the photo. He would carefully shuffle through the photo box before finding another photo. It seemed to be another high school photo. This time it seemed to be in some sort of mall food court. In the photo you could see Gambit with a very pretty lady. The main thing that stood out to noodle was the girl's long beautiful red curly hair that had two pretty white streaks in the front. Her and Gambit seemed to not notice whoever took the photo as they were eating a meal together. Murdoc would point out the girl. " The girl behind the camera in the other photo was named Rogue . She and Gambit became highschool sweethearts for about two years. Though gambit would always be a bloody twit and would overwhelm her with romantic gestures. She was quite a nice girl. Me and Wade considered her part of the friend group even if she never fully admitted to being part of it. "

Noodle would just silently listen to her uncle absolutely fascinated while learning about his interesting past. Though now she had another question about rogue. " Why didn't her and Gambit stay together? They seem happy together. " Murdoc sighed ... .despite knowing the truth...he didn;t want to make this negative. So he would give a half truth to his niece. " Rogue ended up moving to a different multiverse due to school problems. Sadly due to it being the 80s ... .and her and gambit forgetting to give each other their phone numbers ... .the two completely lost contact. " Noodle would slightly frown at that... .but would do her best to lighten up the situation. "Maybe they will meet as adults again. " murdoc would sight nodding with a bittersweet smile. " I hope they have kiddo. " 

      Murdoc would shuffle through more photos . as noodle watched murdoc flip through photos another one would catch her attention. A slightly older than the last photo of murdoc when he was much younger. Probably around toddler age at the most. In the photo it seemed to be Easter time. Murdoc had some adorable little bunny ears on his head and was going through an easter basket of many goodies. Behind him on a couch were two very pretty ladies. Both had beautiful deep red hair that was much more muted then rogue's hair. Both were dressed in simple but pretty dresses made for the springtime. The one who seemed to be slightly older was in a pretty light green dress with sunflowers decorating it while the other lady wore a pretty lavender dress with pink and blue roses decorating it. The two absolutely had to be sisters of some sort.

Noodle couldn't help but smile and comment. " You look really adorable in that photo, uncle murdoc. "Murdoc would roll his eyes with a smile sighing. "My aunt insisted on me wearing the dumb ears. I was mainly just wanting the candy. " noodle would look at the two ladies ... .so one of them must be... " which one is your mom and which is your aunt? " Murdoc sighed, seeming to know this like the back of his palm despite it being decades since he had genuinely seen the two. He would point to the woman in the green dress. " This was my mother. Her name was ruby. I don't remember much about her ... .but...she was quite the sweet and fun mom....she would have adored you. She always had perfect makeup and hair and always made sure my hair looked nice too. " murdoc then would point to the lady in the lavender dress. "This was my aunt. Her name was angela. She was a bar singer. Her voice was absolutely beautiful. Though she rarely admitted it. Sometimes her and my mom would sing and dance together with the radio on. I always joined the two. Even when I was small and couldn't walk my mom would pick me up and dance with me in her arms. " 

     Noodle would just quietly listen ... ..feeling some sadness as she hears her uncle talk about the two in past tents ... .despite not wanting to make her uncle sad ... .the question was absolutely burning in her mind. " are they ... .dead? " murdoc sighed......he nodded with a sad smile. '' my aunt isn't dead that i know of ...but mother passed away ...i...don't know what killed her...i was only three when she died ...she just...left one day and never came back home. " noodle would frown as her uncle's tone went from happy to depressed ...she would gently side hug her uncle . " I'm sure that you mom and aunt would be proud of what you've done uncle murdoc...your friends too..." noodle's words would circle through murdoc's mind....he sighed hugging noodle back with a smile and nod. " You're probably right kiddo..... You're probably right." 

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