Happy halloween!

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( heya readers! yes i know that this is being nowhere near posted  around halloween but i honestly don't care. i got this adorable idea in my head and it wouldn't leave my mind so i made it. sue me. anyways i hope you all enjoy this precious story <3.) 

        It was a lovely Halloween night in memory!tale. The sun finally sets over the small universe as people prepare for a long night of trick or treating. Last minute decorations quickly being thrown up and candy of all sorts being put in bowls ready for the costumed children who were soon to be wandering the chilly neighborhoods. Not a single house was seen without at least a little bit of decorating on its lawn and porch. It was truly a wholesome sight to behold.

Meanwhile in the gorillaz studio the whole band was preparing to take noodle out for her first time trick or treating. The band had already celebrated noodle's birthday earlier in the day so noodle was already absolutely hyped up on birthday cake and icecream. Despite the three older band members not really celebrating halloween since they were kids the three wanted this first halloween to be a great halloween for noodle. All three were dressed up in very simple but fun costumes knowing it would absolutely thrill noodle to see them dressed in silly costumes. 

    The first person to end up downstairs would be russell. He had an adorable jack o lantern beanie and sweater on. Sure it wasn't much but it was very cute. Russell would work on getting some stuff prepared for the night along with cleaning up some stuff from noodle's little birthday party. Russell would put some flashlights next to noodle's pumpkin pail as the band was planning to just stroll through the neighborhoods and not take the car knowing noodle would probably have more fun walking around then just having murdoc drive around.

As Russell worked on putting some leftovers away 2d would make his way downstairs. 2d had decided to dress up as a zombie. He made sure to not go too gory, not wanting to spook noodle. He had just used a bit of makeup to give himself a slightly more gray skin tone along with using a black washable marker to draw on some scars and stitches. He also had purposely left his hair messy letting it fluff out . Russell would glance over to 2d giving a smile. " You look really good 2d. " 2d would smile at Russell back as he takes the moment to help Russell clean up some spare wrapping paper scraps left form noodle opening her presents. " Thanks russell. "

While Russell and 2d finish cleaning up murdoc and noodle would finally make their way downstairs. Murdoc had dressed up as a simple but effective vampire. He had allowed noodle to put a cute little bat sticker on his jacket just to make it more recognizable of what he was supposed to be. All Murdoc had really done was used a red marker to make it look like blood was dripping from his mouth along with two fake fang marks on his neck. Noodle would run past her uncle in pure excitement. She was in a simple sheet ghost costume with an adorable witch hat on her head. Despite Russell taking noodle to go find a different costume, noodle had refused all other costumes. She simply just wanted to " be like uncle del!". If Russell was honest he found it absolutely adorable that his daughter was so excited about such a simple costume. 

      Russell smiled watching noodle run to the kitchen while her costume flowed around her. Noodle would go to her dad and 2d to boast about her costume. " Do I look cool dad and 2d?! " Russell and 2d nod with a smile. Russell would put the last piece of wrapping paper in the trash before hugging noodle. " You look amazing kiddo! Are you ready for trick or treating?" Noodle nods excitedly as she questions russell. " Are we going soon?! " Russell nodded as he let noodle out of the hug. " grab your bucket and flashlight kiddo. " noodle nodded quickly running over to the dining table and grabbing her pumpkin pail and flashlight . murdoc would make sure to grab the other three flashlights for the rest of the band along with a backpack for hauling noodle's candy around when she fills up the pail.

multi-fandom oneshots ( mostly gorillaz and undertale)Where stories live. Discover now