🍁: 14

74 12 19

Third person

         “I'm guessing today was rough, huh?”

Taeri sighed loudly, her shoulders slumping in attestation. She quickly made her way towards the kitchen, opening the fridge to get something chill. “Tell me about it... I'm having these strange dreams and I don't know? College is just college, just a dumb rumour about Jeongin and I dating and um... Some guy, eh- forget about that. I caught Felix staring at me. That's pretty much it?” She took out a bottle of water, supping up the cold liquid.

“Oof, I mean rumours are the worst. If Jeongin is bad... Is Jeongin bad? Cause from all I've heard he sounds so adorable. Do I get to meet him some day?”

“Well, if he keeps being clingy then yes.”

“Aww, that's cute,” Jiwon beamed, hopping on one foot as she tried taking off her shoe. She huffed, taking off her Barrett, kicking off her heel.  The brunette sighed in relieve, joining her little sister in the kitchen. “Do you know why Felix was staring at you? Talk to him, maybe he has something to say but is too shy to.”

“Hmm...” Taeri hummed lowly. “I'll trying.”

“Great! Should I cook or order?”

“I'll cook, just go freshen up.”

“Aww, thank you so much,” The hyper Jiwon grinned, kissing the younger's forehead. The quickly made her way up to her room, pleased that Taeri had offered to cook.

The ravenette quickly got out the ingredients she need and started cooking when her phone vibrated. She laved her hands, wiping it off with a cloth, before picking up her phone.

Taeri moaned out of discontent, it was only Jeongin, texting about who knows what.

Two(2) unread message(s)


Hi, Tae
Are you feeling okay now?

Yes I'm fine?

Why are you texting?
Did something happen?

Nah. I met Hyung

He said he only talked to you

And you wanted to ask what
we talked about?

How did you know?

You do that a lot

Oh? Sorry if it bothers you

I really wish you'd stop|
I really wis|
I rea|

No, it's okay 🤗

He asked if we were dating
and told me to be careful

Are you sure that's all?


Are you leaving anything out?


Just tell me if he says anything
off, okay?

And he meant careful as in
with people

Why people?

Haven't you notice how they
look at you?

They look at me?

Yes, and that's cause you're
very pretty

You think I'm pretty

Just stay safe

I'll try
Delivered 18:36pm✓


    “I'm sorry I burnt dinner,” Taeri had an apologetic smile, handing her sister the pizza she just bought. Turns out talking to Jeongin was a distraction and the ravenette soon forgot about the fact that she cooking, resulting to them losing their meal and they had to order. “I was talking to someone from college-”

“Jeongin, right?” Jiwon picked up the remote switching to a different channel. She smiled when Taeri nodded in affirmation. “What did y'all talked about?”

“Uh... School and stuff,” Taeri placed the pizza on the coffee table, before ploped down next to her sister, placing a cushion on her crossed thighs. “And he said I'm pretty.”

Jiwon giggled, pulling the younger's cheek. “Cute. Totally worth our dinner.”

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What does ‘Coffee’ reminds you off?

Anyways hi, how are you?

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