🍁: 12

70 13 21

Third person

        “I told you I'd get us here. Safe and sound.”

Hyunjin grinned triumphantly, both hands placed proudly on his hips. Han scoffed under his breath, still not pleased with the idea of meeting Jae. The orange haired was the first to trudge through the tall grasses. This place was quite isolated and covered by heavy vegetation, away from the wilderness that surrounded it. It was nothing really special, just a couple more trees, plateaus and a crystal waterfall far off. And a tall tower situated right in the middle, totally off the aesthetic, it was dark and seemed like it might collapse any second.

The red haired held Taeri's hand, tugging her closer to him. “Just stay close to me, okay? And don't look at him in the eyes, he might be a bit crazy,” he whispered.

“Might? What do you mean might?”

“Hey, Hurry up!” Hyunjin yelled from the distance he had put between them. He turned to the door, giving it a simple knock. Anything too aggressive might set Jae off.

“You have houses here?” Taeri whispered to Han, watching as the door slowly creaked open.

“Some souls earn it, like those who have been here for the longest of time. Its called settlement, until... You know?”

Taeri did know, she had read that far to understand what Han was implying. The black haired averted her back to the door where a green haired male stood, his arms crossed as he leaned on the door frame, talking to Hyunjin with a dumb grin on his face. “He's young?” when Hyunjin had ranted how helpful Jae might be, she expected some sort of old wise looking soul, never did she imagine it to be someone that young and around their age.

“He died young too, around three hundred years and something years ago,” Han tugged her forward, towards where the others stood. “But he keeps switching eras and might know your morden time more than you do.”

Taeri rolled her eyes. “Good to know.”

“This is Tae, the girl I was talking about!” Hyunjin placed both hands on her shoulders, taking her away from Han. He pointed the girl in front of the taller soul.

Jae leaned closer, critically eyeing Taeri who was getting uncomfortable by how close he was to her. His hands found their way into her hair. Taeri's hair was only a shoulder length long and he quickly got to the split end. “Nice to see you again, Mihee!”

“That's not my name,” Now Taeri can see what Han meant by might be crazy.

“Oh really?” Jae picked up the pendent of the necklace she still had on, shaking it teasingly. “You're not Mihee, duh. Do you think I'm crazy?”

Hyunjin and Han both exchanged knowing looks.

“You're not dead, if that's what you're wondering. That pendent is actually mine, I gave it to Mihee so we could meet in her sweet dreams,” The green haired swooned, making Taeri cringe visibly.

“But I don't want to see this dream, it's disturbing and sad!” Taeri backed away from the taller, grabbing the pendent with both hands, hiding it from the three males.

“Hey, I thought we were friends!” Han whined in protest.

“Well, you're not gonna stop until a reason is fulfil,” Jae spoke up.

“I'll dispose of it, far away!” Taeri scrawled, pointing into the distance.

“You're welcome to try.”

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