🍁: 13

56 14 33

Third person

       “Can you please not look at me like that?”

Taeri showed up to college the next day feeling very sour and angered and fortunately for her, Jeongin wasn't around to prod her about her current state and even luckier, she didn't share her first lecture with him. That was enough time for her to sort out her emotions, to avoid probing. She was now on a random bench outside, waiting for her next class to begin, only to get invaded by some brown haired, It was creepy how he wouldn't even blink, his eyes doe and curious.

“Like how?” the brunette leaned back, a sly smirk on his lips.

Something about the way he smirked and looked at her, irked Taeri so much. It felt like he was boring holes into her soul with his pretty eyes and his lips stretched into that coy smirk was mocking her for it.

The female heaved in a breath, folding her hands into shaky balls. “What do you want?” she asked, mustering up the courage to look back at him.

“You're Jeongin's girlfriend, right?”

“I'm not. Don't believe everything you hear.”

“Cute,” He scoffed at how nonchalant she was trying to be, totally aware of the fact that he made her uneasy. “Nice necklace...” the taller trailed off, his words making Taeri to jolt.

“What necklace?” She quickly looked down, noticing the assessory that hung peacefully on her neck. The ravenette's grabbed the pendent, eyes never leaving her counterpart. She could vividly remember taking it off and locking it in her drawer before leaving for school.

Maybe she forgot? Was it just another dream?

Taeri was thinking of the possiblity why the necklace was still on her when the taller's voice interjected. “...Let's hope your boyfriend doesn't see it,” he had that teasing look again. “...has he?”

Taeri made a low sound, wrinkling her nose in disgust. She picked up her bag, glancing at the brunette one last time before walking away, further into the building. The last thing she wanted was another human being forcing a conversation with her.

She took a couple hesty steps into the building when she felt like she was being followed, and before she could react, her wrist was grabbed by a stronger hand, forcing her back to the wall, and her hand just above her head.

The frightened ravenette shook out of her daze, ignoring her stinging wrist. Her eyes trailed their way down the hand that had her pressed down, stopping when they locked with a boy's intense gaze. “The fuck do you want from me?” Taeri struggled to break free, her voice strained.

The brunette looked at the few students who paused, watching them, a silly smile on his lips, his eyes disappearing into crescents. “Nothing to see here,” he swatted his free hand, waving for them to dismiss. Once the little crowd broke, he reverted his attention back to the scrawling Taeri. “I'd be careful if I were you...”

“I am careful,” Taeri frowned. “Now let me go!”

“As you wish,” the taller instantly released his grip, causing Taeri to slump down, sliding down the wall.

She glanced at his back as he walked away from from her, his steps lazy. “Stupid ass,” the ravenette mumbled under her breath, grazing her wrist which was now red from how tightly he had grabbed her. Her roaming eyes landed on a blonde who quickly looked away and then walked into the lecture theatre he stood close to. “Weird ass,” she mumbled again, this time out of befuddlement.

“Why are you sitting here?”

Taeri looked up, only to be met by a befuddled Jeongin, his hair fluffy and messy, his face a bit puffy and showed he just woke up a few minutes ago. “You look messed up,” Taeri commented, grabbing the hand he had offer, using it as a leverage to get up.

“I over slept!” Jeongin effused, now smiling. “Heard you got um... Pinned to a wall?”

News travels fast, that, Taeri knew now. “It's fine, just some jerk!” she grumbled.

“Do you know what he looks like?”

Taeri laughed. “What are you gonna do? Fight him or something?”

“I don't want people hurting you, Tae,” The taller had a serious look now. “I'm just gonna talk to him, nothing too drastic.”

“Oh? Um... He had brown hair, and I don't know, he had this bunny like smile or something,” the black haired clicked her tongue, not really familiar with describing people.

Jeongin's brows shot up, his expression turning agape. “Minho...”

--------------• ° -💛- ° •---------------

I am broken right now

What does ‘Roses’ reminds you off?

Anyways hi, how are you?

As always Lee (> •-•)> will be taking your votes and comments

Thanks for reading

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