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Third person

      “I should be asking that,” he replied. “Are you dead too?”

“What?” that wasn't what Taeri had expected to hear, matter of fact, she had no idea what she wanted to hear. But she didn't bother to be fazed by that, it was only a measly dream she was prone to forget the second she wakes up. The ravenette only forced a small smile, critically observing the person who was now in front of her. It was a male, just about her age, he wasn't exactly that tall, but decent enough, his skin looked a bit pale and he had the shiniest pair of doe eyes, cherry pouty lips and puffy cheeks which she found adorable.

If Taeri remembers correctly, she had read from a site that the human brain wasn't capable of creating faces, therefore whoever you come across in your dreams are people you have eventually crossed path with in real life, maybe too busy to take in contour of their faces.

She didn't bother to think about where she had met him, although a part of her longed for an answer.

“I said are you dead too?” he repeated his question, a bit louder now. “You must be. What's your name?”

Taeri shook her head. “Dude, this is a dream, so just walk away like an NPC and let me wonder around and do all sort of rubbish until I wake up.”

And that's exactly what she did. Walked away while the red headed boy chased after her, rambling nonstop about what she chose not to listen to. It was like a superpower, an ability to block out unwanted sounds and she was quite impressed it even works perfectly in dreams.

His voice was getting louder now and the sound of his feet thumping on the soft earth. “Ignore the NPC, ignore, ignore-”

“Hey girl! girl, girl, girl, babagril.”

“WHAT?” well, there goes her streak of ignoring people.

“Why is your hair black? Usually when you die your hair colour changes to the colour of the deadly sin you felt moments prior to your death. Like mine, you like my red hair, right? I must've been angry. And why did you just appear out of nowhere? When you die you always gotta pop up at the lobby, so it can be decided if you'd go above or be casted towards the sins or if you're a wondering soul like myself. Did I mention the hair thing? Yeah, everyone gets that, why don't you? Well everyone except still birth babies, poor things, I hate going down to their depot. Why is your hair black? Why is your hair black? Why is your hair black? Why is-”

“OH MY GOD, JUST SHUT UP!” Taeri could feel her ears ring, making her head spin. Those were too much words for her to comprehend and process.

The red head paused for a bit, his shoulders tensing in fright, which quickly slouched in disappointment. “I'm sorry, its just-” he breathed, his expression hurt. “I just got excited for a bit, and curious-”

How his tone dropped, made Taeri sigh. She truly was a terrible person, both in real life and dream. “I'm not dead. This is just a dream.”

The male scoffed. “Silly girl, its not-”

Taeri started yelling, pressing her ears with her hands the louder that annoying ringing sound got.

“Girl? What's wrong? Wait, you're fading. Oh shit, we just became friends and now you're facing judgement,” the red head grunted, totally annoyed the more Taeri blurred away, until she was completely gone.

“Bye girl, I'll miss you-”

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What does ‘Pretty’ reminds you of?

Anyways hi, how are you?

As always Lee (> •-•)> Will be taking your votes and comments

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