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Third person

     “Holy cows... You look burnt out.”

It was just her alarm clock blaring dramatically loud for no reason, tugging her away from that odd dream. She couldn't tell if she should be happy it took her away from the chatty dream boy or annoyed that she was ripped away from that serene environment. It would've been a wonderful dream if that adorable redhead wasn't being noisy. Was it weird she wanted to know his name? Do dream characters have names? Those thoughts reminded her of the tasked her sister had asked for.

“What's your name?” Taeri finally paid attention to the black haired behind her. Which was somewhat a miracle that he was still being around her.

The male gasped, even happier now and it sickened Taeri so dearly how some random stranger would be so outward with her. Acting as if they knew each other for the longest of time. Casting him aside was an easy thing to do, but the ravenette had gone through the thought of him actually being a lonely kid who was just looking for a friend, even though it was very strange how he was easily drawn to her like a magnet.

“Is that character development I see?”  The fennec fox guy nudged her playfully. “Yay!”

“Forget I asked,” Taeri rolled her eyes, walking into the lecture theatre, an ecstatic boy behind her. And for a split second her wondering eyes landed on a boy who had his light purple hoodie hide most of his face, only part of his fluffy blonde hair peaking out.

This eyes were also locked with her, looking as dead as ever. His eyes looked like it once held stars, but they had somehow faded. The blonde quickly looked away, burying his face even further.

“That's Felix,” The black haired male voice, sitting next to the female. “He used to be the happiest boy ever, but his sunlight dimmed when his two best friends died. Now he's just glum and quiet.”

“Oh?” Teari mused, looking at the purple hoodie guy again. This time he sat still, and from his side profile she could only guess he was deep in thought. “That's sad... ”

“Mhm,” her counterpart nodded.

And for the rest of the lecture, Taeri was torn between what thought to sleep on. Her weird dream or the blonde guy, or maybe the fact that her chirpy seatmate wouldn't shut up.

“You're really quiet, you know?” There he goes again, the overly social guy yapping on and on. He noticed how unresponsive Taeri was and waved for her attention. “Hey Girl-”

Taeri quickly turned to him, a bit startled as that was what dream boy called her.

Something around her neck caught the black haired's attention and without thinking about it, he inched forward, letting his slander fingers to pick up the Crystal pendant atop Taeri's boobs. “Where did you get this?” he asked, his eyes never leaving the blue piece as he ogled and marveled at it.

“Uh... my sister?” Taeri got uncomfortable, backing away a bit.

The male looked at her right in the eyes. Now Taeri wasn't no eye expert but his eyes looked a bit different now, maybe amazed? And that's when his eyes pushed into the cutest crescents, a result of him smiling ever so brightly. “It's really cool.”

“Um thanks?” Taeri grinned awkwardly. “Please move away.”

“Right. And um... I never told you my name,” he retreated, clearing his throat, extending his hand for a handshake, his smile never leaving. “I'm Jeongin.”

The ravenette nodded slowly, shaking his soft hand. “I'm Taeri.”

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What does ‘bread’ reminds you of?

Anyways hi, how are you?

As always Lee (> •-•)> will be taking your votes and comments

Thanks for reading

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