Gift & Run

36 1 0

Y/n's POV

I know I'm an adult but... I GET TO PERSONALLY WITNESS SPORTS FESTIVAL! This will be amazing! I mean, a little terrifying because I remember a lot of what happened, but I'll just leave that where it is....I...well.....

....I will just continue to overthink and freak out....THIS IS FINE.

The sudden knock at the door made me almost jump clear through the roof. Aizawa left to do hero work about an hour ago, and there's really maybe 2 other people who it could be. Neither of which are scary.

I let out my "Coming!" Voice as I approached the door. I opened it to see a very...normal looking Yamada. Like, jeans and hair not sticking up everywhere. He looks really nice!


"Hey songbird! I got you something." He was blushing quite a bit as he handed me a giant bouquet of red Chrysanthemums. I took it without realizing how silly I must've looked, gaping at him and then the flowers.

"Zash, these are so beautiful!" I couldn't help but let my words out as a soft whisper as I looked at them closely, trying so hard to burn it into my memory. "This is the first time I've ever gotten flowers, Zash. Thank you. I wish I could keep them forever."

I wonder if anyone has a flower preserving quirk?

I looked back up at him and his eyes were blown wide. He finally seemed to realize that I was looking back at him intensely and cleared his throat in an attempt to hide...something?

"I'm glad you like them. I heard that these kinds of flowers have symbolism behind them..." He hesitated and looked down at his feet, almost as if he was afraid. I smiled at him when he finally managed to make eye contact with me again. His smile came back, but it wasn't like his usual show smile. Somehow, it seemed different. Softer. Warmer.

"Like 'Love at first sight'." He finished as he began to close the distance between us. It wasn't difficult for him to do since he's so tall.

What do I say? Is he trying to not. I've learned already not to assume the hard way. I won't go through that again. I wanted to hope with Shouta too. I thought when he said he likes me, maybe he meant...but it just hurts too hope anymore.

Yamada's POV

She looked so happy until I said that. It was like....I hurt her somehow....

It hurt not knowing, but he started this, and he wanted her to trust him. He already knew she wasn't someone to play with hearts, but he was also sure she held back quite a bit of her own pain. Seeing her now, he knew before she managed to look away from him that she had been hurt before. As he saw her eyes begin to water, he began cursing her world, not caring who was in it anymore.

Her world couldn't have been a good one if someone like her was hurt enough to cry during a moment like this.

Even seeing this, he admired her and knew he really did want to be with her. She still smiles. She still encourages and takes care of others. He knows her heart's been broken, but she doesn't hurt others because of it. She helps hearts around her to flourish without allowing anyone to help her own.

I won't force her. I'll work at it. I'll take my time and show her. I'll really tell her once she's ready.

With that, he did his best to make sure she knew it was alright. "Song bird, there's something I don't think you see with those flowers yet." He wiggled his eyebrows at her when she finally looked at him again.

He watched her turn the bouquet in her hands before seeing her bright smile return to her face. She found the mp3 player with the ready-made playlist tied into the ribbons.

"You got this done so fast!" She was almost as loud as he is when he gets excited and that only caused his smile to widen. She tried to untie it as delicately as possible so she could play it.


I don't think I need to be here while she listens right time..but now...

"I wanted you to have some good tunes! You said you love music, so now you have some to keep you company when yours truly isn't here."

He expected her to blush or stammer as usual, but instead, he felt his heart stop, when she smiled in a way he wasn't quite used to or ready for.

I should go. Like now..right now...She's not ready...but...

He quickly made up some excuse and was out the door before she could really understand or convince him otherwise.

I almost lost every bit of cool I had there....

It was a pretty cold night, and he was grateful for the temperature change as he took off his jacket to walk the long way home.

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