Frustration All Around

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Y/n's POV

Imagine my surprise heart attack when I am woken up to not just Aizawa, but friggin Toshinori both looking at ME!

"Stop freaking out." Was all Aizawa had said.

He's getting much better at reading me. I kind of wish he wouldn't though. It doesn't matter much though since apparently, I am a Deku Mutter box. FIGURES!

Running over the interaction in my mind made me smile as I helped Shouta put the classroom in order to end the day.

"You shouldn't care so much about him. He's reckless and it'll get you killed." His words sounded so cold, making my hear grind to stop. "I understand that's in your nature but put more thought into things before interacting with him."

I felt my shoulders fall at that. "I just wanted to help him, Sho. He's my friend." Before, turning to leave out the door.

Aizawa's POV

It's irrational. She would have been quick and class doesn't start for 10 minutes still. It's completely absurd to keep her by my side simply so she won't go to him.

He had watched the way she spoke with All Might, he knew it was only to greet him, but he did not enjoy the feelings that followed when she began to do what she always does. To care. To nurture. To love.

How can she seriously be so unaware at how red faced All Might of all people was? This is one of those times I'm sure she has some sort of love quirk without knowing it.

Aizawa watched her grade papers solemnly the next day for the entire morning of the class. Even his students knew something was up, but of course these troublemakers wouldn't just drop it.

"Ms. Y/n, why are you sad?" Mina questioned.

He sighed at this, but didn't bother to put a stop to it, knowing he also wanted her to be her normal self.

Ochako, Toru, and by the time even Mineta was askling, he could feel the irritation seep into his bones at how quickly he'd lost the attention of his class.

Y/n gave a small smile. "I'm just thinking is all."

"The least you could do is smile while you do it so your frowning face isn't such a distraction, nerd." Bakugo's voice cut through the room, loud as always but every quieted down upon hearing him, only for him to begin blasting his fellow students once again.

Aizawa was about to bring down judgement on this kid, until he heard her start laughing. He turned toward her, as did the rest of the class, in pure confusion.

While trying to calm herself, she finally was able to speak, "Katsuki, do you even know anyone's name at all, or is everyone an extra or a nerd?" She was calming herself a bit before Kirishima spoke up.

"There's another one he uses..." Aizawa shot him a death glare. "But it isn't appropriate for school, of course." Kirishima quickly added but Y/n could definitely guess, making her start laughing all over again. Bakugo clicked his tongue, before stomping over to Kaminari and 'accidentally' initiating his quirk too much and frying his brain, making Y/n start to snort and making the class follow in suit.

Aizawa got his class back in control, but he wasn't going to be able to forget how annoying that was. How annoying it was for his students to try to cheer her up because they care about her.

Her laugh played through his mind the rest of the day before he sighed out in frustration.

I need a nap.

Bakugo's POV

Annoying woman is bringing down the whole class with her depressing face. What's with her? What extra made her this annoyingly sad?

Bakugo froze in his steps as rage began to boil over. "WHY DO I CARE! YOU'RE JUST A DUMB EXTRA TOO!"

He started throwing random rocks he could find, not caring that it wasn't even dark yet and he was being so noisy. Something bright suddenly caught his eye beside the sidewalk and he let the last rock fall from his hands. As he approached with a stoic face, he slowly picked it up, clicking his tongue in annoyance in who it reminded him of.

Y/n's POV

The next day there was a small flower on the teaching assistant desk with a small post it note. It was a pink wildflower, bringing a big smile to my face. I reached to the note and read it with a soft giggle.

Stop being depressed, idiot.

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