Not Alone

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I know I said this before, but this place.... It's so plain but it's absolutely huge! I want to be happy. This is the biggest place I've ever even stepped foot in as a possible home, even if only temporary. I feel like somehow, I'm stealing. All I can think about is that none of this is mine and I'm taking up someone else's place and being an inconvenience.

I sat on the couch feeling the somber mood take over.

"I don't blame them for not trusting me. But even in my wildest dreams, I never thought I still would be and outcast." I mumbled the words to myself, feeling familiar guilt take over my emotions.

A sudden knock at the door made me jump up and run to it like my life depended on it.

I had been here alone for a few hours and that's so boring! I wanted to stay in once place to make sure I proved myself trustworthy, but this is boring!

Of all the people I expected to see, Aizawa wasn't one of them.

He raised an eyebrow before saying, "Disappointed?"

"No." I said with a soft smile. "Surprised, but definitely not disappointed." I moved out of the way so he could come inside before softly closing the door behind him.

Then I just stood there looking at the ground. Like a doofus.

I swear! Can't I for once be just a little more normal!?!?!?

While I'm panicking about what to say or do, I heard his steps move toward the kitchen. I looked over to him to see what he's doing, when he motioned toward the coffee maker and asked, "Do you like coffee?"

I sighed in relief and smiled. "Yes, I love coffee!"

As he got it started, I moved closer to the kitchen and watched.

So yes, I totally feel like a creeper. But Shouta Aizawa is standing right here making coffee in front of me. Do I laugh, cry, or scream???!!?!?!

"You should really work on the muttering thing." He commented turning around and leaning against the counter.

Apparently, the best option is to cry. SOS!!!!!

"Do you like it here?" He asked calmly while maintaining eye contact.

I opened my mouth and slowly closed it again.

I hate lying but I don't want to be rude.

But I hate lying!

"Honestly, I can't stand it here." I said while looking at him. I began looking around before continuing. "This place is beautiful and amazing. But all I can feel is lonely." I whispered the last bit while looking down at my feet.

"You'd think being an adult would make things better. You live on your own and all experience all kinds of things. But when you're alone and it's quiet, not much feels good at all when you experience all of these new things alone." I let out a sad chuckle.

Aizawa watched me for a good minute before walking toward me, close enough to make eye contact and said, "Sounds like you need to sleep."

I don't know why, maybe I cracked up all the way, but I laughed. A real one. I'm not even sure how long it's been that I laughed that hard and that long. I smile all the time but laughing seems to be more and more rare these last few years.

When I was able to catch my breath, I looked him in the eye and said "You must be right. Sleeping sounds awesome."

He had a very light smile and walked over to the couch and plopped down. I stared at him with eyes as big as saucers when he proceeded to lay down and shut his eyes, too.

He's going to sleep right here?

When I kept standing there staring at him like a dummy, he popped one eye open and just looked at me before closing it again.

I stared at him for a while as I tried to sort through my thoughts. I finally walked away to my new bedroom and picked up a comforter and a pillow. I came back and laid out my stuff on the floor in front of him and proceeded to lay down facing him.

I know this is weird, but I've never had someone stay the night before. I don't want to leave him alone in the living room and I also don't want to be alone. I think he'll be okay with this.

I took a deep breath, took one last look at him, and closed my eyes. For the first time ever, I fell asleep quickly.

Aizawa opened both his eyes when he heard soft snores from her. She seems fairly normal. The only reason we are on guard as of right now is because Sir Nighteye used his quirk on her and didn't see anything. No past, no future, nothing. It was decided by the majority of heroes to take turns keeping an eye on her.

As he watched her smile softly in her sleep, he felt a pang of guilt which he knew to be illogical. They are doing their jobs. It doesn't make sense to feel sadness over a stranger just because she doesn't have anywhere to go. Obviously doesn't have an evil bone in her body. Smiles when she sees other people and can't seem to think quietly.

He looked directly at the framed art on the wall directly across from them both. Only one of the hidden cameras within this apartment. This particular apartment is made to keep an eye on suspicious individuals.

He looked back down at her, knowing she wouldn't hurt anyone and doubted she ever really could. He closed his eyes and the last thought he had before falling asleep was how illogical this whole situation is. 

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