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I could be wrong, but....Aizawa seems way more....comfortable around me. Which is ridiculous, right? I mean, he's only comfortable when he is sleeping, right? RIGHT?!?! I mean, he kissed me but he didn't actually say anything about it...so....maybe it's just a kiss between friends?!?!?! RIGHT?!?!?!?!??!

So...why is he around me so much more now? Not that I'm complaining or anything...I enjoy his presence so much because I feel that he genuinely cares.

Since that day in the kitchen, it's almost like...like....

"Like what you see?" Aizawa commented with a smirk.

I shoved my head into my hands.

I was staring at him like some thirsty pervert! WHY CAN'T I EVER BE MORE SUBTLE?!?!? I might as well have drooled over the man! Wait.....DID I?!!?!?!

Hearing Aizawa of all people laugh is seriously a new thing...that I can most definitely get used to..

"You really need to work on that." His monotone comment brought me back out of my freak out, only to look at him totally confused.

"Muttering. It's one thing to whisper your thoughts out loud but yours don't seem to have that as a viable option."

I jumped up and ran into the bathroom before slamming the door shut behind me.

Deep breath in.

Deep breath out.

Deep breath in.

Deep breath WHYYYY!?!?!?!?

In the anime and the Manga, Aizawa was cool, calm, and collected. He never flirted or anything and I still thought he was amazing! His heart was hard to read because he always came off as cold but it became much more apparent the more I watched the things he went through to do his job protecting his students with all he had.

BUT THIS?!?!?!?!

The few memories of every interaction had me rush to turn on a cold shower and jump in with no hesitation. Also, no preparation, like taking off my clothes or even checking to see one more important thing.


My shriek brought the immediate attention of the man I just ran away from. As soon as I heard the door handle jiggle...


That may have been at a much higher pitched voice than I meant to do. Which is why..

"Why are you like a fully dressed, wet cat." It wasn't even spoken like a question, but a statement. He reached out to put a towel on me before reaching past me to turn off the water.

He walked me out without saying a word. I felt so guilty. All I could really do is beat myself up for my overreaction.

"Do I make you uncomfortable?"

Even though he was looking at me for a truthful answer, I could almost sense..a little hesitation. Aizawa is a very straightforward man.

So...the least I can do...is explain...

I let out a frustrated sigh before letting my shoulders fall in defeat. "I wasn't a popular person in my world. I was always a loner, even when I supposedly had friends. I got used to people being fake to my face. I was still an idiot because I kept hanging around them, trying to look past the subtle hints that they couldn't stand being around me because of the way I am, I guess. I really wanted to believe that was better than being alone but every day I came back to my own home, I would cry because I felt so empty."

I made myself comfortable on the couch next to him, before wrapping my arms around my knees and leaning my chin on my knees.

"By the time I had gotten out of high school, I had been use to the game. Smile. Small talk. Smile some more. I even had a guy I thought liked me. He was...exactly what I told myself I wanted."

I gave a sad smile to Aizawa. "He had a way of making my fears seem dumb and insignificant. Then making my dreams seem dumb and insignificant. Then...me...then I was dumb and ugly and insignificant."

I paused before proceeding. "I don't miss him. I miss the time I wasted on him. That was 6 or so years ago, and I've been going it alone since then. I didn't let anyone in during that time out of fear and shame. I found a work from home job and loved it. I don't mind talking to people as long as I don't have to see them. Working from home turned into never really leaving home because it was safer than going outside. Pretty sure my neighbors think I'm not real.." I let out a soft chuckle.

There was a moment of silence that filled me with more fear than anything else in my life so far.

"You turned out more human than those that were around you." Those words shot through my heart like an arrow. "It's not easy to continue to be kind when others have not been kind to you."

I nodded in agreement. "That's true, but I decided a long time ago, that I'm going to be the person no one ever was for me. That's why I don't know what to do when I'm around you, Sho.."

"Why? Is it that difficult to open yourself up as you are now?"

"Why do you even keep coming back. You don't need my help. You don't need me at all. I'm pretty sure I cause more problems than I'm worth for everyone, even though I'm trying really hard not to." Before I could hide my face again, Aizawa was pulling my hands away to look me square in the face.

My face grew hot at the close proximity and I couldn't even speak because my throat had closed from trying to fight my tears.

"Because...I like you. Deal with it." He backed up to give me space as I stared at him with new understanding. "My students want to see you again." He smiled softly at the sight of my smile reappearing.

I was able to let anxiety drop at the mention of class 1A. I couldn't help but feel really happy. "I would love to see them again!"

He gave a curt nod. "Good. It'll make work and other things much easier for me."

I must've had question marks dancing around my head with his statement. "I'll have help keeping the biggest troublemakers from killing each other." He nodded his head toward the door.

I moved ahead of him as we made our way out. "You'll also be a day brightener." He added.

"Oh okay. I'll help Class 1A as much as I can, so they don't give up hope." He was the last out the door and as he walked past me to lead the way, he added, "I meant for me." My heart stuttered at this comment.

I swear he is trying to kill me for real!

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