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Alright, Aizawa freaking ditched me. Was I that much of a hassle to hang out with? I haven't seen him or anyone in like 2 days!

Knock Knock

FINALLY! I don't care if it's even the pizza delivery guy. I need someone to talk to!

I jumped up from the couch and practically flew to the door. I swung it open to see a very tired looking Toshinori.

"Hello Ms. L/n. How are.."

I couldn't stop myself from immediately embracing him.

He was gone for days, too! I really thought he hated me, that maybe they all hated me because they believed I was a villain. While I don't blame them, I can't deny that knowing this really hurt. My life where I'm from was painful having those I trusted not trust me or even care about me when it came time to show it in some way.

I didn't even realize I had been crying while hugging him. I hate this!

Suddenly, I felt arms wrap around my midsection with a firm but gentle hold.

Toshinori is hugging me back!

"I am sorry Ms. L/n. I should have visited much sooner." He pulled away to look at me before..


"Villains never give up so neither shall I!"

Seeing the smiling face of All Might looking down on me filled my heart with so much joy, I couldn't help but smile back.

"I won't give up either. While you guys were gone, I've been thinking. I want to help you all! I know you don't know me and probably believe I'm a villain. I don't blame you for being careful, but please..."

I'm speaking from the most sincerest part of my heart, Toshinori.

"Remember that if you need me," I smiled brightly, taking his face gently in my hands as I continued. "I...am here...for you!" I said with a bright smile.


I shrieked a little when he went back to his original size and coughed up blood again.

I totally see why this sent Deku into a panic every time!

I quickly grabbed some paper towels from the kitchen and came back to help clean him up.

Aizawa was right. She couldn't hide how she feels to save her life. She isn't a cold person and it is very easy to see she is lonely. Perhaps wherever she came from, she misses the ones she knew. Or had no one at all.

I finished wiping Toshinori's face and saw he was staring at me with a small frown.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" I quickly started backing away and muttering apologies until Toshinori spoke, interrupting me.

"Y/n, are you a villain?"

The question he asked made my heart stop and a wave of sadness begin to wash over me quicker than I thought possible.

They really think I'm a villain. I must seem so awful to them.

Not realizing more tears had started streaming down my cheeks, I gave a sad smile before saying, "No. I'm not a villain. I don't know how to prove it though."

I sniffled and quickly wiped my tears away once I became aware of them. I walked past him to the kitchen and got a glass and filled it with water.


"I'm fine! I'm just a little thirsty is all." I said while trying to take small sips.

Will it always be like this for me? Will I always be seen as a suspicious person not worthy of trust? Friendship? Or love?

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when, "Hey, little listener."

I had turned my back to Toshinori and hadn't heard anyone else come in. I probably wouldn't have realized at all that Hizashi was here if he hadn't wrapped his arms around me from behind. The sudden show of affection was both soothing and stressful because of the different emotions rising within me.

Why is he holding me like this? He thinks I'm a villain too, right?

"Songbird, I knew you weren't a villain." When Hizashi said that I couldn't help but look over my shoulder directly into his eyes.

He is smiling at me. Genuinely smiling at me.

He took one hand and wiped away a stray tear before saying, "there's no way you could be. You're too easily flustered!"

This jerk! So mean!

I went to try to wiggle away from him but he wasn't gonna let me go.

"Zashi, let me go right now!" I squeaked out with an embarrassed pout before covering my eyes in an attempt to cool my face and possibly disappear completely.

"Yamada, let her go. It isn't logical to stress her out more than she already is."

I peeked through my fingers to see...a smirking Shota?

I put my hands down and laughed. Really laughed.

I'm with some of the best Pro Heroes. And they came back to see me.

I couldn't help but smile with relief.

"Hello, Ms. L/n!"

That voice.....

I looked down near my feet to see...


I got so excited, I didn't even think about the fact we hadn't met yet or that I should probably...you know....not hug him right away because of misunderstandings it could create.

As I held Nezu in my excitement, he suddenly spoke with a laugh saying, "I see very well what you meant, Eraserhead!"


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