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Okay, so I may or may not have totally flipped the heck out at seeing my beloved broccoli hero but he is seriously so adorable, I'm not sure if holding back is even an option at this point.

"Deku! OMGOSH! It's so nice to meet you! You are amazing, even for a total crybaby!"


Seeing his eyes go wide and his mouth drop open in an attempt to defend himself, I quickly tried to correct myself. "I makes sense because you always get hurt and who wouldn't cry when their body is turning into meatloaf...." I suddenly was overwhelmed with the realization that not only am I currently fangirling to the highest extent imaginable right now, I am also doing it, without having even introduced myself AT ALL.

Is this why people drink? Because they need help with not overthinking? Like meeeeeeeeeeeee????

While Yamada quickly got up to intervene before I feel myself die inside even more, he managed to come up with a quick and yet very..

"YEAH DEKU! This is my girl, Y/n! Cute ain't she?"

.......?!?!?!?!!?!? NANI?!!??!?!!?!?

I stared at him feeling my whole face burn like Endeavors' hair.

"Zashi, you jerk! That's not...YOU DIDN'T EVEN ASK!" I squeaked, feeling woefully underprepared to be claimed without even being made aware ahead of time.

Yep. That's the way my brain works. I am more upset that I didn't know so I could have time to process instead of being asked in that whole romantic K drama way.

I suck. But...of course it gets worse. It always gets so much worse!

Yamada gave a smirk before approaching me. Before I realized it, he was half a dang inch from my FACE!

"So...I just need to ask, Songbird?"

So yeah, I ran for it.


I am currently hiding in a tree. I am an adult woman, who climbed a friggin tree, to hide from Present Mic because I am way too flustered to think. It's not that I didn't like's just unlikely that something like that would happen to me. In my world, I'm more than normal. I'm nothing.

Before I could sulk, I switched my thoughts over my memories of the My Hero Academia World, trying to figure out what the absolute heck is going on.

Being here is definitely a change in the story, but I doubt it's a big one.

Did Yamada have a girlfriend? Was he always such a FLIRT!?!? Is that a part of his quirk? That last one is highly unlikely, but I am really beginning to wonder...

I let out a sigh.

So much for changing my thoughts. Sheesh!

"Why are you in a tree?" A monotone voice suddenly spoke, totally interrupting my thoughts. It shocked me so bad, I jumped....and sorta kinda...fell.


I shut my eyes tight with expectation, but before I could scream, squeak, or yell, I felt strong arms catch me without saying a word.

I slowly opened my eyes to assess the damage, promptly looking over my body before letting out a sigh of relief that I did not in fact die.

Getting to go to the MHA world and then dying because I fell out of a tree is a waste of good sto....uh...visit to this world, ya know?

In my joy filled moment, I had somehow managed to forget, my savior is still....STILLL HOLDING ME!

I turned my head and made immediate eye contact with Aizawa.

Is he glaring?

Is he bored?

*Mental shrug* It doesn't seem to fit that he's tired this time though....

"I heard about Yamada." He said calmly before hesitating.

"Uh, yeah. He is a bit much, right?" I asked with an awkward chuckle while still trying to keep calm about the fact that I am still being held bridal style in Eraserheads' arms.

He continued to look into my eyes. The intensity made me feel like he was looking into the deepest and loneliest parts of my soul. I shivered without breaking eye contact but didn't try to pull away or hide.

"Does a man really only need to ask?" Aizawa continued. As I let his question roll through my mind, it finally dawned on me what he was referring to.

Reader has currently crashed and will reboot with the next chapter.


What happened?

Nothing I see looks like where I last was, but somehow still looks familiar.

There's a mirror in front of me, but everything else around me is so dark except for my reflection.

But...I Different. That's not me....right?

"Who are you?" I asked nervously, hearing my voice echo throughout the darkness.

My odd reflection stared back at me, looking me up and down with teary eyes.

It is so strange. My face matches hers. Everything about us looks the same, but it isn't me. I know it isn't me. And yet...

Her eyes are staring at me while I wait for an answer. Somehow, I'm not the least bit frightened but her eyes...they have tears but she doesn't seem sad.

My reflection smiled. Not a scary smile, but one of hope found after a long time without something precious.

Without completely understanding what was happening, I couldn't help smiling in return.

"I found you."

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