Break time

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If anyone had ever told me that I would not only be in the same class as MHA characters, but also as a kind of teacher, I would've called them a crackhead.


Yeah, I went there. Shut up. LET ME ENJOY THIS!

Reading the manga and watching the anime, it doesn't quite prepare you for the amount of...chaos Aizawa deals with every day. Plus..

"Mineta, if you attempt to grope my assistant one more time, I will expel you." Aizawa shot his red eyes toward Mineta, who had YET AGAIN, been sneaking up to me like some weirdo creeper.

Well....he is a weirdo creeper. Like...THE weirdo creeper. Heh..but really weird.

There really wasn't anything I could actually teach them, but I did get an onslaught of questions every time Aizawa asked if they had questions. "I meant about WHAT I'M TEACHING YOU." He rubbed the bridge of his nose, and I gave an apologetic smile.

It was never my intention to be a distraction instead of a help. They really need to pay attention so they can learn and be epic...Oh wait! I have an idea!

"If you work hard on your studies, make fewer interruptions, and stop trying to obliterate your fellow classmates.." I gave Bakugo the side eye.

"Tch.." He rolled his eyes, crossed his arms and looked out the window.

Man, this dude has more attitude than anyone I've ever met! COOL!

"I will answer one question at the end of each day. Only one, so make it a good one. You may even want to discuss it among yourselves." I said with a bright smile. I hoped this would create a more team like atmosphere, without anyone getting potentially blown off the map by a particular hot head. I made sure to be specific in hopes that they'd think of a good question as a class. For teamwork purposes and all that, but also because they just looked so excited, I can't help but make sure they can do it.

Aizawa looked like he doubted that would work but didn't say anything to disagree. The bell for lunch rang and the students took off for the door.

I noticed as I waved them off, that Aizawa looked more tired than usual. I want to be helpful, though. I looked around and saw how many papers he had piled up for grading.

"Those aren't your concern. That's my job. Go eat lunch." He said while sitting down at the desk.

He read my mind...


This gave me an idea, though. I nodded and walked off toward the teachers' lounge. I searched the cabinets before finally coming across two mugs and everything needed to make a decent pot of coffee.

"Hey song bird!"

The sudden blast of sound made me jump and drop one of the mugs. Thankfully, Yamada was quick to step close behind me to catch it before it shattered to bits.

He laughed sheepishly. "Sorry. I can't help myself. I'm always so excited to see you is all." He chuckled, placing the mug safely on the counter beside me before leaning back against it with arms crossed.

I gave a smile. "It's alright. It's your quirk and I don't mind it. I was just so deep in my thoughts, you yanked me out of it without warning." I joked. "I guess I've got something of a rabbit heart."

"Yeah, I've noticed that. It's cute though." He smirked.

Flattery seems to roll off his tongue like honey! I'm beggin ya, stop! MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT! Especially...if you don't even mean it.

I laughed nervously as I proceeded to make coffee for me and Aizawa. When Yamada didn't say anything else, I looked over my shoulder and noticed he seemed to be nervous.

Present Mic...IS NERVOUS? He comes to flirt with me every time he sees me, AND HE'S NERVOUS?!?!?

Nah, probably not..still..I'll make sure he's okay.

"Zashi, you okay?" I leaned my back against the counter while the coffee was brewing. He seemed to really be struggling with something before finally letting out a sigh.

He came a few steps closer, but before I could freak out too much, he started talking. "Do you like music? all?" He finished that question like he was worried.

"Pfft, of course I love music. The many days I had where I was alone, I turned on music. Depending on what the day was like, would determine the genre I listened to. If I had headphones, I would still be jamming out every day!"

He smiled at that. "What was one you listened to the most?"

I thought back to the times I'd let music wash over me as a way of keeping me out of my head. Then the times I listened and cried during the songs anyway.

"Well, you obviously need a whole new playlist if thinking about this makes you sad! Luckily, I am the perfect guy for said job." He announced with a wink.

I laughed but knew he was very correct with that statement. "Alright then Sir Mic, I expect a complete and mind-blowing playlist when next we meet." I stuck out my hand as if making a deal.

His face turned a little red, but he didn't hesitate to take my hand.


HE KISSED IT?!?!?!?!?

"I'll see ya when I've completed the task for ma' lady." He was gone before I could even start speaking again.

I swear he is so smooth, it's terrifying!

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