Through the ring of Worlds

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It's finally here! Oh man, shipping is so freaking slow, but from what the reviews said, this is totally worth it!

Once I just about slammed the door shut in the UPS guy's face (so sorry, I swear I'll apologize next time!), I ripped open the small packaging with little effort, sending paper flying in every direction like a child at Christmas.

Some would scold me for being so excited about a dang ring, and honestly, if it was JUST ring, I would be right there alongside them. But this isn't just a regular ring. It has a little red stone in it and when you tap it, it will show you things like the time and weather! I love that it looked so simple in the description and very few would guess this is a ring watch.

It is one of the first to ever be released! Truly one of a kind!

Once I removed the ring from its box, I noticed a little difference in the way it was described online. The red stone isn't red at all. Instead, it was a multitude of bright yellow hues, but it's still so pretty, so whatever. I slip it on and reach back into the box to find the instructions.

Surely it comes with instructions, unless it is way easier to use than I first believed. Which is even better!

Nope, no instructions. Actually, the box even looks plainer than most company packaging would look, I think. Maybe they put more effort into the product instead of graphic design. It's worth it after all!

I bring my hand closer to my face to inspect the ring, before deciding that tapping it is the best way to proceed since there could be instructions within the ring itself. It may give buyers a personal walkthrough!

I tap the strange stone while thinking that the color of the strange stone kinda reminds me of All....

As quick as blinking, I am now outside in the middle of a crowd. But I know for sure I am NOT outside my apartment. My apartment is near a city, sure, but not smack dab in the middle of one! There's so many freaking people here, I have to reuse my moving skills I learned back in elementary school playing dodgeball.

Or, rather, being the target in it.

I don't even have time to think about how the heck I am even somewhere that looks somehow familiar but not home familiar before I take a glimpse toward the street. There's a crosswalk and the red light is flashing to let those nearby to wait to cross the road. But there's a little boy crying on his knees, with no one around.

Was he pushed or..?

There's a car! I have to...

Before I even finish thinking about it, I am in the road trying to pick up the little boy and get him out of the road. I am met with tear filled eyes and he won't budge without letting out a sudden cry of pain.

"My shoe is caught!" He wailed. His foot was wedged into a sewer grate. There's no time. I hear him crying "please don't leave me!"

"I promise, I won't leave you" I told him as I hurriedly threw my body over him hoping to prevent less damage to him as a car is about to hit us both.


I remember that voice.

That can't be right...I feel myself and little boy being picked up and flown out of the way of oncoming traffic before landing on the other side of the road safely with the child still in my arms.

I can't hear anything. I look at our savior and feel my mouth drop open in shock.

This can't possibly be..

"All Might?" I gasped.

"Yes, you do not have to be afraid, because I AM HERE!"

Without even thinking, I reached both hands out and cupped his cheeks. This is All Might. THE ALL MIGHT! I am in front of ALL MIGHT?!?!?!?


"Are you okay, Miss?"

"Huh?" That's all you can say, girl? HUH? I don't even have the mental capacity to say anything even remotely intelligent right now, but anything had to be better than that! I just realized I am currently holding All Might's face, which would totally explain why he is as red as a dang tomato.

"I am so sorry!" I squeak and go to jump back and manage to crack my skull against the brick wall behind me.

Yup. I am here alright. I am here. HERE?! BUT FREAKING HOW!?!?!?

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