The Next Morning

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My eyes fluttered open and I stared at a ceiling. A very very VERY unfamiliar ceiling.

I shot up, only to immediately regret doing so.

My brain is still laying on the pillow and it HURTS!! This is why I don't drink! Why did I drink!? I never drink because....


Oh noooo! Please tell me....

"Toshi, you're freaking awesome!"

"I'll sleep with you, okay Sho.."


I managed to be even weirder here than in my world!!?!?!? WHY DID I DRINK!!!!!????????????

I sat there kicking and pouting, totally forgetting how I don't even know where the heck I am.

I finally stopped and crossed my arms. "I hate me!!!"

"You and Yamada are way too loud, way too early."


No. Please no.

I slowly turned toward the voice at the door.


My jaw must have made an obvious drop to the floor, because Aizawa walked over to me casually and handed me...

"White chocolate cappuccino!"

I was so excited I totally forgot he just said I was too loud. I felt really bad for that, because I know how tired he is. He's always tired but he works so many different jobs and always does his best, so that makes sense.

"Shouta, I am really sorry for being so loud...and everything else...I did....."

I finished that sentence with a whisper, glaring at my lap as my face heat up to the temperature of the of the coffee in my hands.

"It's fine." He responded.

He is always so monotone, but at least I don't have to worry about hearing any kind of teasing from him.

I sipped the coffee he handed me and sighed happily. As I took another sip, Aizawa spoke up again.

"You should sleep with me more often."

I choked on the coffee I had just been enjoying and stared at him wide eyed and terrified.

Only to see him smiling. A very soft and barely noticeable smile. All I could do was stare at him in aw before he walked away.

I looked down at the mug in my hands, before looking up again with a smile on my face.

In any other condition, I would have been so upset to have someone tease me. But he was actually not the type to tease in the first place. It makes me happy to see such a side of him.

I still wanna pitch myself off a cliff though. This would be hilarious if it was anyone else but me. Even still...

I hummed softly to myself at the precious memory I had gained.

Aizawa walked away, thinking how easy it is to read her. She is the exact opposite of him. She may not say what she is thinking all the time, but her face says it all before she can stop it. Nezu had given them the task of finding a way to see who she is and what she knows. It was Nemuri's idea to just get her drunk.

Yamada was all for it, Aizawa shook his head and didn't bother trying to convince them otherwise. Aizawa and Toshinori tagged along and were the only ones sober. They interacted with her, and asked tons of questions and she wasn't the wiser. She didn't say anything that sounded even remotely villainous.

They did learn, however, that she led a somewhat hermit-like life. From the sounds of it, she had no friends, and her family wasn't anyone who she could depend on. She didn't blame anyone for any of her sadness, which from talking to her, sounded like she experienced a lot of.

If anything, there are more villains in her world than in this one. Some of the things she told them made them angry for her, but she still smiled at them, saying over and over again that she was glad, because she wouldn't be here if it hadn't happened.

By the time the night had come to an end, he was more than glad that she was too drunk to notice how her "I'll sleep with you" comment had him blushing like some teen. It's illogical to let some woman he hasn't known very long to have him feel so....flustered.

That's the term and it's an alien term for him.

Aizawa sat back on the couch and sipped his coffee.


He smiled again thinking about their night out and her words, smile, and drunk giggles.

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