The Dead Zone

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I know I'm dreaming. I know it. Everything, this whole thing must be a dream. Right?

I couldn't believe it when Yamada burst through the doors. I started shouting, but as I began to feel my heart swell with relief, he continued running right through me. Before I could figure out what had just happened, I looked to see who he was helping, and saw him leaning over me. ME. He kept saying my name and like a dummy, I started shouting "I'm here! I'm right here!" I did everything from trying to shout in his ear to trying to hug him as he seemed to be struggling not to cry. "Zashi.." I whispered hopelessly.

He didn't even once look my way as he picked up my body with care meant for precious china. The only thing I could think to do was walk beside him all the way till we got to the hospital.

I watched them check me over for any wounds they may have missed, then hook me up to different machines to keep track of how I was doing. At one point, they even asked Recovery Girl to try her quirk. Still nothing allowed me to take my place in my own body again.


The sudden voice felt so close, but the thing that terrified me, is it sounded like a voice I could only somehow recognize. I tried to sift through my brain and try to think of where I could've heard that voice before.

I followed after the sound after hearing it again, slowly tiptoeing down the long hallway.


What is this??

I kept walking closer to the sound and stopped upon seeing Aizawa, Yamada, and Nezu in a room looking at a video, but before I could think to go and try to see what they were watching so intently, I heard the voice again.

I started running after it, trying in some odd attempt to catch up to it. As I felt myself getting closer to the voice, I saw a set of doors fling open before, changing the appearance of the hospital dramatically from one that was welcoming, to one that felt cold and scary.

I looked around and began to feel sick without even understanding why.

I could see some people in what looked like lab coats talking about how some experiment went wrong and they needed to deal with the broken part efficiently before things became serious.

Since we were unable to succeed in dividing one with a strong quirk to develop a powerful new era of heroes, we should simply close this out and dispose of the failure properly.

Dispose of what? An animal? I thought only humans could have quirks?

Before I could think about it too much, one of them spoke up.

"Sir, you speak as though we are simply throwing out trash instead of a child. There are better options than.."

He was cut off before he could finish what he was going to suggest.

"May I remind you that this experiment is something we all agreed to do under the radar for the betterment of mankind. It's considered highly unethical and the only reason it is not considered illegal is because this has never been attempted before. Are you going to be the one to take them to some little orphanage and explain why you, who has been widowed for nearly 15 years, suddenly have two little girls no older than 6?"

That seemed to quiet the man for only a moment, but he was once again prevented from saying more.

"You may not mind what happens to your career, but don't take us down with you. It's a failed experiment and it's really only getting rid of one. Never mind the issue of them sharing the same face."

I stood there trying to figure out what they were saying.

I couldn't...I don't understand. That doesn't....that's not true....

I felt a presence next to me and turned to see my face.

"It's you!" I shrieked.

Again, she didn't respond like all the times before. Now that I'm closer, I can see obvious signs of fatigue and her clothing was even worse than that of a homeless person.

She looked so tired. As she approached me, I suddenly felt my body shaking but not with fear. I reached out my hand to grasp hers as she came close to lay her forehead on my shoulder. As soon as our skin touched, I could see so many scenes all at once. Things she had struggled with, the abuse she had endured because of her inability to talk. The thing that was most shocking was seeing her consistently look for the one person she needed to be with.

"You've been looking for me all this time? I'm not sure how I got to where I was." She sniffled and I gently squeezed her hand. "Are" I asked hesitantly?"

She pulled back and nodded frantically. The fear I felt at such a revelation caused to shake uncontrollably.

Yamada's POV

He had heard that one of the rooms had a patient whose heart monitor was beating way off the charts. He heard the description as they passed Aizawa's room and took off before anyone could stop him.

He stopped at the door to see Y/n's heart monitor beeping faster than humanly possible, even with a quirk.

"Sir, you need to go."


He pushed right past the nurse and couldn't contain himself. He started calling her name as soon as he took her hand in his.


He clearly heard her voice.

Right here.

What is going on?????

He felt like he was on the verge of losing his mind with how weak her voice sounded.

He heard some hospital staff come to drag him out and he didn't blame them, but before they do, he had to keep trying.

"Song Bird wake up! Come back!" He could care less that he released his quirk right at her and he knew he'd get it later from everyone, including Aizawa.

As if time slowed for just a moment, he could've sworn he saw a spark of light glow just underneath her skin.

He blinked and it was gone. He wanted to rage until he looked at her face to see her looking back at him.

She smiled weakly. "Hey, Zashi." She muttered softly.

He willingly allowed the doctors to escort him out of the room as intense gratefulness overwhelmed him.

He comes off so loud and so annoying he knows, but something about feeling like he was going to lose her scared him more than anything else he'd thought possible.

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