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Y/n's POV

I woke up the next day, hair a mess and slowly made my way to the bathroom before stopping in front of the mirror.

My looks a little bit like his....

My hair stood up in every direction and I couldn't help but smile madly at the last interaction we'd had. It was a little frustrating that he didn't explain what he meant by his one word sentence and even more frustrating he didn't explain if the kiss was more than a kiss.

Sure, I've got some dating's enough to know that...I have no idea what I'm doing ever...

A few weeks had passed and Shota never stopped teaching. He doesn't look quite as mummified as before I came here, but I was overjoyed to know something changed for the better. It gave me hope, even if only a little.

I had been asked to make another visit to Sir Nighteye, and while I am excited, he is terrifyingly intimidating.

Plus he is so dang TALL. Everyone here is except for Mineta but seriously, after him, I'm the shortest!

Bubble girl was the one who came to pick me up, and we spent the whole time on the way there gushing over how she is still practicing being funny, aaaaand apparently failing once again.

I couldn't help but laugh, hearing her failed attempts since the last time I had visited. "Is helping other people be funny a quirk you could have?" She asked with all seriousness.

I raised an eyebrow, before saying, "" Seeing her face fall, I immediately added, "You're definitely thinking too much about it. You used what you know. If you have to think about it too much, then it isn't usually going to be funny."

"But if that isn't your quirk, how do you know?" Her words hit me a little hard but I took it with a smile.

"I used to watch kids of all ages growing up. I had to be creative with teaching or getting them to listen to me and making them laugh always did the trick. It even made the parents laugh too. Knowing you can bring a smile to someone's face is a great feeling. You'll get it. Don't worry." I said with a soft smile.

I continued talking with her as we made our way to Sir's office, anxiety over seeing him again totally gone. When his office door was in sight, she stopped me to ask another question. "You must've had a lot of people you laughed with where you came from!"

I knew the comment was supposed to make me feel better, but I couldn't hide the sadness on my face, which caused her to start apologizing.

I waved my hands at her. "No, it's fine. I didn't have anyone who was willingly spend time around me." I let out a forced laugh in hopes that she would laugh, but she gave me the saddest look and I could see her eyes well up with tears.

Before she could say anything else, I nodded my head toward the office. "I'll go on ahead. Keeping him waiting is most likely not the best idea."

I tried to let the thoughts go by thinking of everything that has happened to me since being here. From beginning to Aizawa..

The memory made my face burn and I furiously shook my head in an attempt to ditch the thought. The office door opened, and Sir Nighteye let me in without saying much. I followed him in, only to dang near collide into him when he suddenly stopped to face me.

Before I could take a step back, he had a grip on my chin that made me let out a shocked squeak. I kept my eyes open even after he let my chin go, because...

"You used your quirk? That's so cool!" I paid no mind to the fact I was still about an inch away from his face and was more than intrigued with what looked like gears turning in his eye.

Before I could get too excited, I remembered he said he had tried when I first got here. "Does this mean you can see my future now?" I asked excitedly.

He didn't answer and turned to face away from me. "You may go." Was his only response. The swift dismissal came out kind of harsh confused me more than I could put into words, but I nodded before going back out the way I came.

Sir Nighteye POV

Mirai ended up calling in Aizawa, All Might, and Yamada after his meeting with Y/n. He had not originally invited her with the intention of checking her future but ended up trying again to be on the safe side.

She's a strange woman with a lot of knowledge. She reminds me of Toshinori, but that realization is exactly why I needed to check just to be sure.

He was relieved as well as shocked when he knew he was finally able to use his quirk on her. However, he quickly grew alarmed at what he saw, controlling the images at his will in hopes of understanding what he was seeing and why.

He wrote down all he saw until they all arrived later in the day.

When Bubble girl brought them in, he dismissed her, asking her to close the door behind her when she leaves. Hearing the door click, he removed his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a sharp sigh of frustration.

"What's goin on man? You said you needed to talk to us about Y/n?" He wasn't surprised that Yamada was the first to ask.

Mirai moved in front of his desk and leaned against it, making slow eye contact with All Might first before everyone else.

"I was able to see her future earlier today."

Yamada began to celebrate until he realized Mirai wasn't smiling but looked sadder than normal.

"What did you see?" Was all Aizawa asked. Toshinori remained silent but his eyes grew wide with concern and it was obvious why for all of them.

"I saw her future, but it seemed to be reflecting off itself. Like a duplicate future, only one didn't have her." He held up his hand to stop Yamada from inquiring what he meant by that. "I don't know what it means. I've never seen that either. It was like seeing two of everything. I saw how bad things would've gotten had there not been some changes made by her."

He sighed before continuing.

"Although the changes she made were rather small in comparison, it seems to have set off some sort of chain reaction if you will."

Aizawa and Yamada shifted uncomfortably but let Mirai continue. "Because she made herself known at the U.S.J..."

"The villains are aware of her as well." Aizawa finished, letting out a tired sigh.

Yamada began accidentally activating his quirk as he tried to prepare to put on some sort of game plan. "Well then, we'll just have to hide her or protect her. We're friggin Pro Heroes, man. That's what we do. Just tell us what's going to happen and we'll protect her."

"That's what's unclear. I could see that the villains will begin looking into who she is, but all I could do at a certain point was sense her death instead of actually seeing it." He stood, putting his hands behind his back. "Seeing the duplicates didn't just end with what should've happened here but didn't because of her. It was almost as if I was seeing the future of more than one person. Different perspectives, perhaps but the feelings for each were much different. One had hope and the other there was nothing but fear."

"Nezu said her doppelganger is still being held at the hospital. We're supposed to interview her a little later." Toshinori spoke softly.

Yamada began to get angry, but Aizawa tried his best to remain calm. "You can't see who kills her? Nothing at all? Seriously?"

"I only managed to discern a few colors, like blue, gray, then a quick flash of silver before it seemed to evaporate completely. Almost as if.."

"As if someone is hiding what they are planning to do to her." Toshinori finished. He suddenly stomped out of the room, unwilling to hear anymore.

Mirai gave a brief nod. "I was able to hear Y/n speak near the end and then laughter. It sounded very much like Y/n said, 'You're not Ocha' before the laughing came and then nothing."

The mood was somber as they tried to determine next steps, but that didn't stop Aizawa from turning and making his exit.

Yamada and Mirai stared at him only for Aizawa to open the door while saying, "Like Yamada said, we're Pro Heroes."

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