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All Might's POV

Toshinori had been actively trying to avoid Y/n. It was for reasons he had decided were in her best interest.

Good ones?

No, probably not. He still intended on sticking to it as much as possible because he couldn't shake the feeling that somehow, whatever will happen to her, will be his fault. A woman who is foreign to this country and this world even, who showed kindness without holding back to all of those around her but got flustered when it was shown back to her, didn't deserve death by All for One or anyone for that matter.

He had seen her walk out of the teachers' lounge earlier, but he quickly walked past and went to a different room, deciding to just come back later so he could get a small lunch for himself. He was supposed to go to Class 1A again today, so once lunch was almost over, he made his way there in his All Might form.

He rounded the corner for the door, to see Y/n with her head on Aizawa's shoulder. Sleeping peacefully like it was normal.

Sleeping!??! WITH SHOUTA? On Shouta?!?!?!

He must've gasped pretty loud, because Aizawa's eyes glowed red at him in the usual 'shut up' warning face. Toshinori put his hands up apologetically, putting Aizawa back at ease as he turned back to Y/n.

So, he knew she was asleep on him? Does that mean...?

"Lunch is about over, Y/n." His monotone statement carried something much more intimate than friendship and was followed by gentle shaking of her shoulder.

Watching her slowly sit up, rub her eyes, and try to wake herself up was so normal, that Toshinori couldn't help but simply stare. He couldn't help but imagine how beautiful she must look first thing in the morning, even though he is positive she would believe otherwise. He couldn't help thinking she probably enjoyed sweet things, not just sweet coffee, and smiled when she turned his way with sleepy eyes, and frazzled hair to sigh out, "Hey All Might."

His day went about as it normally would, but seeing a woman be normal...

Why did something so simple make me feel so happy...and also so sad? I made the right decision. It's for her so she can be safe and happy and continue to be normal.

He cleared his throat as he forced out his usual All Might greeting. "Hello, fellow teacher!" He didn't miss her eyes widening and sadden all at once at his professional greeting. He hated that she was so easy to read because he's doing his best to keep her at a distance but he knows he hurt her by behaving like they aren't friends.

She looked back at him with a sad smile, Aizawa glaring at him from behind her. She nodded, standing to pick up the papers and prepare the classroom without another word.

What All for One would do to her because of me would be much much worse, so why can't I....

He walked over to her, trying his best to keep his All Might form in place as the students began to pile in. "I'm sorry. I forget sometimes that..." His words began to falter when she turned to face him with glassy eyes. "I forget that you care."

"Of course I care." She whispered, reaching out to place a hand on his wrist briefly. "So please let me care, okay?" Her words sent a warm shock into his heart, making it impossible for his All Might smile to not change to one much softer than usual instead of forced.

She really is quite the woman.

He noticed that the classroom was completely silent and, taking the cold glare from Aizawa as his cue, he cleared his throat once again, turning to face the very attentive students with his normal All Might smile. "Good afternoon, students!"

As he took his time getting home that day, he couldn't help but continually brush across the same wrist Y/n had touched. Hands have always been much smaller than his, but not quite as warm.

Not nearly as warm, to be honest.

Am I truly doing the right thing by pushing her away?

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