New Place

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I had to be politely escorted to some other building and I didn't even need to ask why.

I'm not sure who this belongs to, though. It kind of looks like Sir Nighteye's set up except smaller and plainer, if that's even possible. It doesn't look familiar at all.

I got so lost in thought looking around, I nearly went into epileptic shock when I heard, "YEAH, WHAT DO WE GOT HERE?!"

If I had a quirk, it would have been the ability to jump out of my skin at a moments notice.

I turned around so fast, hands over my heart and wide eyed. I couldn't even speak! Aizawa was right! He's really freaking loud!

"You scared her, Yamada. Way to go." Okay, that voice with the super fatigued sigh. I KNOW THAT ONE, TOO.

"Sorry, little listener. I forgot to lower my volume." Aizawa rolled his eyes. Yamada is currently smiling at me. In Pro hero costumes.

Don't freak out.

"Okay. I'm gonna skip the part where I fangirl, because as much as I want to, YAMADA YOU ARE SO LOUD!" I exclaimed. "That's so cool! But still so very loud..." I paused for a moment before continuing. "I bet you can break walls and windows. Probably comes in handy pretty often! It's wonderful to meet you!" Ignoring the surprised look Yamada is giving me, I turned to Aizawa. He isn't smiling and man does he look irritated. But I gotta know...

"Aizawa, I really want you to teach me how to be able to fall asleep anywhere. Being an adult sucks enough as it is and seeing little kids fight just to not have naps makes me mad."

As soon as I finished, Aizawa's eyes lit up red and his hair was floating.

Wow..that looks awesome! But also scary....

"You look really amazing! But I can totally see why your eyes dry out. I wonder if there is a way to help with that..." I trailed off. More blank stares.

Seriously, I must have been born without an edit or stop button. The silence. Why is this so awkward?!?!? It's bad enough this happened a bunch in my world, but here too????? Oh wait, I remember he used his quirk on Yamada a lot to get him to be quiet. Oops.

I stared down at the floor in defeat. This sucks. I have singlehandedly shown them that not only can I not be trusted, but I'm freaking crazy and loud.

"He was right." I was yanked out of my thoughts and made eye contact with Aizawa. He didn't look quite so severe now.

"You do mutter like Midoriya. At least we don't have to guess what you are thinking." I stared at him with intense confusion at his words but he turned to leave. I looked at Yamada for a brief moment before reaching out to tug a piece of Aizawa's jacket in an attempt to stop him for a moment.

I know this is way weird, but I want him to know.

"I really respect you, Aizawa. I know you put in your all for your students. They don't all see it now. One day they will! I'm glad I could meet you to at least tell you that much."

I felt an overwhelming sense of shyness and looked at the floor the whole time I told him that.

Growing out of awkwardness never happens, I guess. Figures.

When I let go and looked at him again smiling, he was looking at me, but he didn't seem to have that cold stare I thought he would. I don't know what to say.

He did a short nod and started walking away again, but spoke over his shoulder saying, "I find it highly unlikely she could be a villain, Yamada. I'm taking a nap."

I AM HERE??!?!?!?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang