A Moment

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Y/n's POV

I felt an intense and heavy aura circle me after having been awake and determined healthy enough to leave the hospital.

Yamada had been the one to get me back to my "home" and was much quieter than usual. I noticed this every time I attempted to lighten the mood and see his wonderful smile, he would give a forced chuckle and that would be the end of it. This realization caused me to panic, making me grab his arm when I saw him heading out the door after dropping me off without really looking at me. "Zashi...I'm sorry...please don't be mad at me..."

I couldn't explain it. I can't read people very well...but if he is angry, I don't know what I did but I would do anything to fix it....

He paused long enough to make me worry I had made him even angrier in some way, but when he turned his gaze on me, I saw how tired he was, a twinge of sadness behind his eyes and I didn't even try to stop myself from embracing him tightly.

I wanted to lighten his mood a little. "I miss my loudmouth." I said with a soft chuckle, pulling back only a little to look up at him. He pulled his head away just enough to make eye contact with me.

"I just need to think on some things, song bird. You really really worried me." It came out as a soft whisper, almost pleading with me to understand.

I smiled in response to that. "Well, maybe next time, you could hang around more, so I don't have a near death experience for no logical reason."

"Or you can listen to what I tell you before willingly walking into dangerous situations."

We both jumped at the unexpected voice of a very, as always, tired sounding Aizawa. Yamada shrugged and roughed up my hair like a jerk before leaving me to my doom.

I stood in front of Aizawa feeling the judgment come down on me, even though his eyes were still covered.

Yeah, judged. With those eyes that seem to glare into your soul, even when wrapped in a hundred bandages....is he even okay?

He did manage to say he was relieved to see I was fine, before going right into scolding me for what he was informed of.

"Froppy let me know you attempted to cause a sort of diversion. Even though you have no quirk and could have easily been killed."

Seriously Tsu? You ratted me out???

I nodded along anyway, knowing he was right and having no way to defend myself. I did feel really bad because I knew I had worried him, but I just needed to help.

I couldn't just stand there. Everyone was in danger and seeing Sho was the very last straw....I still don't understand what happened then.

When he finished and went to make a pot of coffee, I ended up letting the memory of when Aizawa was being held down overwhelm me. The memory was still so fresh, I didn't even sense that I had started crying.

There's never been a time when I cared for people so much and realized it when they were in danger. No one has hung around long enough, and I didn't used to be one to beg them to stay. But I would do anything to make sure he never knows pain again...anything at all...

A coffee mug was suddenly right in my face almost, jolting me out of my thoughts. I made eye contact with Aizawa holding out the mug and seemingly studying my reactions.

I nodded and gratefully took the mug. I assumed he was waiting in silence for me to drink before saying anything further. I went ahead and took a sip.


"IS THIS WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA?!?!?HOW!?!?" I was immediately met with glowing red eyes. I cleared my throat and apologized for being so excited over coffee.

"It's a pro hero's hero." He muttered.

The unexpected joke made me burst into laughter, something I didn't usually do around Aizawa because he is never one to make a joke, but that only made it even funnier. As my giggles died down, I happily sipped away at my favorite coffee.

Aizawa's POV

It's moronic thinking I decided to let that one out of my mouth. Before I could regret it, she began to laugh.

Yeah, it's creepy to simply watch, but I find myself enjoying her smiles and laughs more and more these days.

I am very well aware of how afraid she was at the U.S.J. I didn't need anyone to tell me afterward that she had been most afraid for me.

Aizawa put his mug down on a nearby counter when he noticed she had gotten somewhat self-conscious, probably due to the fact that he hadn't laughed with her.

What kind of life could she have led in her world if she constantly second guesses herself based on the fear of how other perceive her? He couldn't imagine her life could have been so bad but he already knew she had never had any friends and lived alone. For someone like him, that kind of life seems a little perfect, but for someone like her, he couldn't help feeling a bit sad thinking she had no one to laugh with, hug, or be comforted by.

Her world must truly be evil.

As he slowly closed the distance between them, he could see she was trying to calm herself down and smirked knowing it was due to her easily flustered nature.

"Don't." Was all he said.

She stared at him in confusion.

He isn't a man of many words, but the ones he says always carry a meaning. A thought. He wanted to say don't be afraid. Don't stop laughing. Don't stop caring....about the students...about people...about him.

He was close enough to hold her cheek in his palm and she didn't stop him from doing so, even though her eyes were as big as saucers.

She is lively, silly, kind, and can't hide how she feels to save her life.

He brought himself closer.

I stood by watching Yamada continually pursue her.

As his lips pressed to hers, he felt her gasp against him when he wrapped his arms around her waist in an attempt to bring her closer. Warmth flooded his entire being and he couldn't help but smile against her lips as a final decision was made.

I'm not going to just stand by anymore.

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