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Okay, so what the heck? WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK?!?!?! I saw my face on someone else! I mean, that was someone else! Right?! I had that dream, but it was just a dream! Right? Right!?!?!


I've been pacing for God knows how long after I saw that recording Nezu sent, trying to find some sort of peace in wearing a hole in the floor.

Pacing is a good way to get some steps and not think about the weirdness I just saw! I mean, there's clearly a very logical explanation! I just can't seem to think of one at all. Which is definitely and totally fine!

Okay, so let's pretend for a moment to be Aizawa. Let's be calm, cool, collected and not at all panicking....

"Don't do that."

The abrupt intrusion of my thoughts made me jump so high, I could've put cats to shame. I'm also fairly certain my soul is now somewhere in the cosmos. I placed my hand over my heart in an attempt to calm myself as I met the penetrating eyes of Aizawa.

"Don't what?" I demanded with a slightly higher pitched voice than intended.

He put his coffee mug to the side, before continuing.

"Don't pretend to be me." He stated calmly.

Seriously?!?! Why can't I let my thoughts in my head remain my thoughts IN MY HEAD!?? Is this some kind of cruel joke? It never mattered before because I never had anyone close enough to be embarrassed around.

Aizawa let out a tired sigh as he tilted his head while still looking at me.

My eyes were blown wide with panic, fear, anxiety, and any other feeling that could bring my heart rate higher than normal. "I did it that whole muttering out loud to myself thing again, didn't I?" I asked cautiously.

He gave a curt nod and chuckled upon seeing my distress rise higher still. He took a deep breath before standing to approach me, only stopping once I was frozen in place about a breath away from him.

WHY IS HE SO CLOSE?!?!? Does he have to be this close?!?!? My heart can't take it!!!!

"It is extremely illogical for you to be so overwhelmed around me." He breathed out. I frantically nodded my head in agreement and was ABOUT to calm down when he smirked.

What...what's happening? I thought it bothered him!

"The fact that it happens, as illogical as it may be, it's very endearing." With that last statement, he turned and walked out of the room and all I could do was watch him leave with my jaw touching the floor.


I've been running through every possible scenario in my mind after seeing that video. After running on empty, I went and grabbed some snacks out of the kitchen. Aizawa did FINALLY bring me back to apartment? And then he disappeared! I know he has to work, but he didn't even say good bye. A literal Batman that guy.

I know Yamada has his own things to juggle, but I am kind of relieved he doesn't visit me too often. I don't think my heart can handle how bold this dude is!

I grabbed a bowl of popcorn and headed to the living room to veg on the couch. I sat down, turned on the TV, and right before I tossed a handful in my mouth, an interview with All Might popped up on the screen.

I dropped the popcorn and tried to turn it up quickly so not to miss anything.

"Breaking news: All Might has signed on to work as a teacher at UA." As I watched, I realized that when I went to UA, even though Toshinori went with me, he didn't actually teach any classes from what I saw, and like a dope, I didn't see much.

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