Blood Without Wounds

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I am desperately trying to be calm. I don't want to scare them, but I hate what I know is coming. It's literally going to happen in just a few minutes and the thought of the fear and pain they have to endure..... How could I be so stupid as to forget this event?!??!?!

I felt a sudden nudge to my side and was jolted out of my thoughts by Aizawa. He didn't say anything at first, but his calm face and silence actually calmed me quite a bit. As if seeing I was ready for what he was going to say, he turned as Thirteen began to speak to the students. I took a deep breath as I turned her direction as well.

"Whatever you think is going to happen, stay with the students." He said in a low tone.

I felt myself nodding, but at the same time trying to come up with a way of doing so and helping Aizawa at the same time. The students were split up at a moment's notice and they are so new to this and so am I for that matter. They aren't ready. I'm not ready either but I will not let anything happen if I can help it. Even though none of them died or were hurt more than Deku and Aizawa, I kept having the memory of Aizawa being held by that monstrosity forced to the forefront of my mind, and I clenched my fists in foreign rage.

It's one thing seeing it in on a page in a book, or even in the anime, but I have talked to this man. The thought of it happening right here while I might be able to prevent it but don't know how frustrates me. Even more frustrating is knowing villains come here as a way to draw out All Might.

Upon remembering this, I wanted to smack myself for not requesting Nezu to hold Toshinori back. He is a good man, but he worries me with how quick he jumps in without thinking, how often he takes the burden upon his own shoulders, and both of those not only crush his heart and mind, but his body as well.

My mind reeled as I felt Thirteen wrapping her speech up and I searched for anything that might be of assistance to Aizawa and the students, when I suddenly had an idea. I need to make sure something happens sooner rather than later.

"Iida!" I attempted to whisper, but it came out louder than intended. He looked my way and was in front of me in a moment, making a very formal bow and launching into his need to pay attention in class.

I looked at Aizawa whose eyes I felt piercing into me and then back to Iida. "As Class President, I think it would benefit your classmates a great deal if you were to stand a little closer to the door, to ensure that all of them are paying close attention." I finished this and felt him go over what I said before using the hand movements I had found so endearing before saying, "Yes, Ms. Y/n. I will do that to ensure that my classmates do their duty as future pros and pay close attention to the task at hand." Upon his announcement, he made his way over to the door.

I let out a sigh of relief.

It isn't much, but it definitely will save time. Maybe not much, but since Nezu already promised he would send Heroes nearby, this may help more than I think.

I turned to Aizawa and gave him a hopeful smile before turning to Thirteen once again. As she wrapped up her speech, I felt an intense aura, and I knew.

I turned out to be much closer to the black portal than I thought I would be. With only a moment to spare, I couldn't think to do much more than this:


Before being engulfed in darkness.


The darkness lasted seconds before I felt myself falling into water. I knew exactly where I was and like an insane person, I felt so grateful. I can try to help keep the students who were most in danger out of eyesight.

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