Love is War

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Y/n's POV

I tried very hard to put that meeting with Mirai at the back of my mind, but he looked more...weary than I ever remember seeing him before he turned away. Almost like he was overwhelmed with sadness and despair.

Maybe he saw me do something bad? I would never become a villain!

I began to think of the woman with my face and doubt filled my heart.

I mean....right? I wouldn't become a villain...even with whatever is going on with her....right?

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a knock on the door. I jumped to answer it, hoping to have someone to help keep me out of the deep black hole that are my thoughts as of late.

I opened the door and was greeted with a tired head nod from one of my favorite Pro Heroes. I couldn't help but beam at him before stepping out of his way to let him inside. He would usually say something by now though.

Since it's practically impossible to read him most of the time, I decided to attempt to take the lead with his visit.

"Want to have some coffee and watch something?" I asked, already heading over to the coffee maker.

"Sure." Was his reply, but when I heard him sound like he might add something more, I wanted to let him know.

"I know you are way too tired to actually watch a movie, but at least you'll be seated and comfortable before you fall asleep." I gave him a small smile but was more than surprised when I saw him return it for just a moment before moving to sit on the couch directly across from the TV.

As I got the coffee maker going, I realized this is the first time I've seen him since...

I felt my face grow hot as the memory came in like a torpedo.

"Coffee doesn't take this long to make."

I squeaked in shock when I heard Aizawa suddenly just a few steps away from me. I did my best to hide my embarrassment with a very awkward chuckle. "Sorry. I was just trying to find grounds..." I muttered without turning around to face him.

To my horror, Aizawa reached just past me to grab the very easily spotted pot of coffee grounds.

Seriously?!?!? A break just ONCE would be nice!!!PLEASE!

I didn't bother trying to explain myself and let my shoulders drop in defeat. He moved next to me to make enough coffee for two and managed to get the pot going.

But...he didn't move away.

He's so freaking close!! Not that I'm complaining but either kiss me more or give my heart a break!

"I'm not good at knowing what to do with people."

The sudden comment made me turn to face him instead of looking anywhere but. I felt overwhelmed with confusion as I tried to think of why that's bad.

"Sho, no one knows what to do with people. I'm pretty sure people skills is only something you learn based on who you are and who you surround yourself with." I brought myself closer to him so I could wrap my arms around his neck. "Just because you think you aren't good at it, doesn't change the fact that you still are. Just in your own way." I asserted with a smile.

My heart began to thump in my chest like a drum when I felt him wrap his arms around my waist.

Internal high-pitched squealing takes place.

The sound of the door opening sent me into teenager mode, causing me to jump back out of fear. As if that wasn't bad enough.

"Song Bird, you okay? What broke?" Yamada was suddenly in the kitchen with us, and I couldn't help but apologize at the speed of sound.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! I promised coffee and I broke the whole thing like a dummy!" I quickly bent down without thinking to try to pick up bigger pieces of glass only to have Aizawa grab my hand before I could do so.

"It's replaceable." The way he said that, sounded like he had more to add, but before I could question him about it.

"Y/n, come on. Let's getcha outta here so you don't get hurt, alright?" I was tugged away by Yamada toward the living room. "Go ahead and sit. We'll knock this out." Yamada gave a wink before walking back to the kitchen where Aizawa had already begun cleaning up the mess I made.

I'm so stupid!

Yamada's POV

I'm not an idiot, man. They looked mighty dang close. When did Aizawa even start caring about her?

Yamada couldn't help feeling irritated that he hadn't noticed before.

She's different from him and more my type anyway! Does he even have a type other than cats?

"So now you like her, huh?" Yamada spoke at a soft tone so Y/n wouldn't overhear. Aizawa did the normal thing and gave him a 'it's none of your business" glance before throwing the last bit of glass away.

Yamada put his hand through his hair, trying to be reasonable, before remembering Aizawa is the reasonable one and he is only known as the loudmouth to everyone.

Except her.

Yamada let out a sigh, before turning toward Aizawa. "Since we both like her, we'll both do what we can to protect her."

He moved to walk out of the kitchen before stopping and throwing a smirk Aizawa's way. "I guess while we're protecting her, we can officially say love is war."

Aizawa raised an eyebrow before pushing past him.

He likes her but didn't laugh at that even a little?!?! She would've been rolling with laughter! Come on, man!

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