Bright Heart

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Toshinori made his way toward the building y/n is in. He knew she had been really most extremely drunk, but even still, she hadn't said anything mean or even inappropriate. It was as if her kind nature was amplified and unedited. Is that it even possible for someone with her kind of heart to be anything but kind?

Toshinori smiled to himself remembering and knowing she would undoubtedly be embarrassed. The warmth she exuded even though she seemed to be quirkless is phenomenal, which is why they were all so on guard at first meeting. Villains can always appear one way and be another. Their worst thinking was that her quirk was meant to delude others into doing her will. However, Aizawa had used his eraser quirk on her many times during their night of drinking, making it obvious she is, indeed, quirkless. Not that some of them even cared by that point. Such a beautiful woman.

As he reached her door, he suddenly started scolding himself for feeling way too giddy over this woman he barely even knew. As he went to knock, he heard her voice say "Coming!"

He smiled to himself at how quickly he didn't care about feeling giddy.

"Coming!" I shouted.

After Aizawa had brought me back to my apartment, I had some time to not feel the need to figure out ways to get the earth to open up and swallow me whole out of pure embarrassment.

I wonder who's at the door. Then again, only a few people know I'm here, so...

As I opened the door, I realized how much I don't care.


"Hello, Ms. Y/n." Toshinori spoke softly as the door revealed my visitor.

As soon as I made eye contact with him, I immediately began to hear my own words in my mind from the last time I had seen him.

"You're freakin awesome, Toshi!"

The pure terror I was feeling must have been written all over my face, as usual. Toshinori suddenly began apologizing.

"I'm sorry to disturb you! I just wanted to see how you were holding up and"

Toshinori mentally kicked himself for such a lame excuse. Am I a kid again or something? This shouldn't be this hard to do. I talk to men and women every day!

I blinked several times once I realized I had somehow made Toshinori feel guilty. I quickly reached out and wrapped my arms around his waist, attempting to give the tall man a hug.

When he suddenly turned silent, I started feeling super self conscious since my face only made it to just below his chest, which frustrated me to no end.

"Toshi." I said firmly as I pulled away and looked up at him.

His face, beet red, immediately had a smile upon eye contact. "Yes?"

This is way too weird because he is so freaking tall. I've already embarrassed myself beyond redemption. Might as well keep going.

"Please pick me up." I said while maintaining eye contact.

My face feels so warm, but I want to do this. He deserves a real hug!

She....wants me to pick her up?????

Toshinori stared down at me for what felt like eternity before I felt the need to look away and disappear forever.

I started pulling away until I suddenly heard...


The sudden sound made me jump. Before I could turn around completely, I felt myself being lifted to be face to face with All Might.

Toshinori held her up at eye level, curious as to why she had wanted him to pick her up in the first place. Once she realized what happened, he saw a smile that could equally be considered brighter than his in this form.

I felt so much joy that he did as I asked, even if the request was beyond weird. I put my arms around his neck and gave him a hug.

"Toshi, you could never disturb me." I said softly before pulling away to look in his eyes again. Still smiling, I spoke again. "You are more than All Might to me."

I placed a soft kiss on his cheek.


The moment was so overwhelming, Toshinori changed back to his normal form, causing them both to fall to the floor in a heap.

I'm such an idiot. Am I even a grown man?

The fall was so sudden, I fell right in Toshi's lap with a yelp. I looked at him, feeling worried he had overdone it, since I know he always did everything by giving it his all.

"Toshi, are you okay?" I asked in full panic mode, checking over him to make sure he was alright.

I scrambled to get off of him so he could stand, which he did very slowly without making eye contact with me.

I swear, if I caused him to get hurt unnecessarily, I'm throwing myself into a black hole!

Toshinori took a deep breath before speaking.

The fact he did that made me nervous like nothing else.

"I'm fine." He said with a soft smile.

Toshinori knew that there was no going back. What originally started as kindness had quickly turned into something more. Something he wasn't wanting to ignore.

He cleared his throat and continued. "I came to see if you'd like to come work with me today. If you're willing?"

Hold up...

I blinked in rapid style trying to process what he just asked me.

"Toshi, when you ask me to come work with you, you don't possibly mean at UA....Do you?" I ask hopefully.

"Yes, I think it would be good if you could go out and see some faces. If that's alright with..."


I didn't even stand in front of him long enough to say thank you. I zipped to my bedroom, threw on some casual clothes, which was just a red blouse, jeans, army boots, and a black jacket before running out to Toshi, grabbing his hand and pulling him out the door.


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