The Mystery of Y/n

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When I finally woke up after freaking fainting in the arms of Shouta Aizawa, I was extremely confused. Something about that dream felt so....real. It's so hard to explain. The didn't feel like a mirror at all.

I've been thinking about this feeling of familiarity I had upon seeing....her. It's like I was looking at someone else, but somehow it was I can't compare it to seeing a twin sister. It's so confusing and I don't understand.

"You with us, Songbird?"

I shook myself out of deep thoughts to attempt to focus on what was happening around me. As I focused, my sight was suddenly overwhelmed with the sudden knowledge that I am staring straight into GREEN EYES?!?!?! WHY?!!??!

I let out a squeak and jumped back, smacking my head on the beds' headboard.

Another bed?!?!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?

"Whoa there, Listener! I don't want my amazing charm to knock you out again." Yamada said with a smirk. I pouted in frustration.

I swear this guy is not a Pro Hero. HE SLAYS HEARTS! MINE IS TOO FRAGILE!!! STOP! I REPEAT: STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Cut it out, Yamada." Hearing Aizawa speak up from out of nowhere had me questioning so many things. The main thing being....

"Um, could either of you guys tell me exactly why and how I am here? Before I have a panic attack and both of you are arrested for unintentional murder." I nervously joked.

Aizawa raised an eyebrow while Yamada sat back against the wall opposite the bed I am laying in. As soon as Yamada opened his mouth to begin explaining, Aizawa gave him the look of death.

"What? She asked for an explanation!" Yamada whined.

"You've done enough. The logical conclusion is that you overwhelm her. Consistently. So stop."

Yamada rolled his eyes.

"Hey, she passed out with you, too! So apparently, my dude, a 'logical conclusion' is that we BOTH overwhelm her."

You know how ridiculous sitcoms are sometimes? When there is an obvious elephant in the room, and only one person seems to see it? That one person being ME?!?!?! What is happening right now?!?!?!

I swear I'd laugh if I wasn't so stressed.

I took a deep breath and stood up on the bed to get their attention.

"Neither of you overwhelm me. You guys are amazing, I swear! I just am not used to being friends with guys."

I took another deep breath before exclaiming, "I have never been around men for more than the time it takes to go to a work meeting and even then, they were weird and I didn't like them like I like you guys and you guys have this overwhelming ability to fluster me beyond...." I felt the words die on my lips as I began to replay my verbal diarrhea scene in my head.

The silence was deafening. Maybe it isn't silent, and I have gone deaf, that would be nice right now.

"So basically, you're attracted to us." Aizawa said in a matter of fact way. An overwhelming sense of realization washed over me, making my knees knock together before I fell back to a sitting position on the bed.

I felt my face burn with embarrassment and could only sit there, still on the freaking bed like a little kid. I might as well be since I am shorter than everyone I have met so far.

I tried to look in Aizawa's and Yamada's eyes, but only felt the immediate need to pitch myself off a cliff, so stared back at the bed sheets, counting threads.

I heard the sound of a ringing phone and praised the anime gods for saving my poor soul from further humiliation.

As Aizawa answered and listened for a moment, he pulled the phone away from his ear to put it on speaker.

"Go ahead." He responded.

"Y/n, can you hear me?"


"Yes! I can hear you! Thank you!" Thank you for saving meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I heard him hesitate a moment before Aizawa spoke up, "You don't want to know."

Nezu took that and continued with his reason for his call.

"The place you came from, did you leave behind a twin sister?"

The confusion must have been evident on my face, because Yamada spoke up for me. "The look on her face says no." He said with a light chuckle.

I heard some tapping similar to that of a keyboard, before Nezu spoke again. "Y/n, would you mind taking a look at the video I am sending?"

I shrugged. "Sure!"

I only had a moment to think of how flustered I feel being squished in between two pro heroes, one much closer than the other, before the video began to play.

I wasn't sure what I was supposed to be looking at. It looked like cars driving down a busy street. Nothing really out of the ordinary.

Out of nowhere, I saw a young man, probably no older than 18, pushing his way frantically through the crowded sidewalk closest to the camera.

It was obvious he was attempting to get away from someone and soon I saw the face of who. It looked like a villain I'd never seen before, even when reading the manga.

I put my face closer to the phone as I saw the villain reach out to grab the young man. Only...for it to not happen.

A bright red line stretched from the young man to what looked like a hooded figure closest to the alley. Before the villain could get him, it looked like he tripped and faceplanted.

The one he was chasing managed to get away unharmed, disappearing down a road out of the sight of the cameras, but the hooded figure was still there and facing the camera as still as a statue.

I tilted my head, trying to figure out why I felt like this figure was staring right at me.

The figure approached the camera slowly and stared up into intently, before pulling the hood off to reveal...


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