We're Goin on a Trip

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It's normal to panic a little bit right? I mean, he said he's coming back, and I want to be prepared. It isn't like I should freak out over seeing more awesome char.....ahem.....students. So, I'll remain very calm and collected...composed....super mature because I'm an adult and that's important.....

I dang near almost went through the door when I finally heard a knock. Yes. One knock because as soon as I heard it, I was there, had it opened and was ready to go.

Aizawa had a very almost not noticeable smirk on his face, moving to slowly turn and head away. I closed the door and walked after him. Nah, I was definitely running. WHY ARE ALL THESE DUDES SO DANG TALL!?!?!

"It seems you've been waiting for me." His words came with a knowledge and a little bit of teasing, but he didn't look my direction.

I don't mind if he is teasing me. I'm so happy, I could cry!


I decided to stay on the safe side and be horrendously quiet while Aizawa talked to his class. Class 1 A. Of My Hero Academia. I am as calm as Pompei.

Aizawa made some sort of announcement, but I wasn't paying any attention as I continued to look over the class with wide eyes and childlike wonder. Until I felt a chill run down my spine.

I quickly turned to see none other than Mineta 2 inches from my...hind quarters.

He's so short! And too CLOSE! When did he even get up?!?!

Before I could say anything, Aizawa already had his capture weapon wrapped around the kid and promptly threatened to expel him, dangling him in the air as he glared with his red eyes.

"That so cool...." I muttered.

"Great...another Deku..." Bakugo roared. His comment made me laugh.

"Wow, Katsuki. You're still a jerk but somehow it's really amusing and a little endearing." I chuckled.

Before more could be said, "Alright, grab your stuff and let's go." Aizawa announced to the class.

Hold up, huh?

"Wait, go where?" I asked in near panic as I tried to decide whether or not I had everything I needed for a field trip..

I caught up to Aizawa and he pointed toward a bus. "We are taking the Class 1A to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint."

The name caused me to slow my walking a little bit until I came to a complete stop.

Why does that sound so familiar..?

"Hi! You're Mr. Aizawa and Mr. Yamada's friend, right?"

I turned my head to the one asking only to see my favorite Broccoli boy!

"Deku! How are you today? You haven't broken any other limbs, have you?" I spat out all of those questions at the speed of light.

"Uh...No? Not in the last...er...day or so."

I lifted and eyebrow with a light chuckle. "Deku, seriously. By the time you are 30, you are gonna have noodle limbs. So, practice saving and also NOT killing yourself, ok?" I said with a light smile. Deku nodded and smiled softly as his face began to turn a bright red.

Aizawa cleared his throat from beside me causing me to almost jump out of my skin with a squeak.

He shook his head and told Deku to get on the bus but held me back a moment.

I began to worry I may have overstepped somehow, but his words threw me off guard. "There is never a time, no matter how illogical it is, that those you speak to can't tell that you care about them." He walked a little closer to me, causing my stomach to erupt with the now familiar feeling of butterflies making me freeze on the spot.

I took a deep breath before commenting so I could speak clearly to at least sound like I'm a little confident.

"I have this strong belief that I am going to be who no one was for me." I said with a sad smile. "I don't have anyone, but I never want anyone I speak with to think I don't care about them. Things like emotions are very often illogical, Sho. But they are also what makes us human." I said with a bright smile.

He immediately activated his quirk and all I could do was stare at him in confusion. When his hair fell back down and his eyes went back to being normal, he motioned toward the bus. Deciding to forget about the strange moment, I joyfully hopped on and sat near Deku.

Aizawa's POV

The amount of emotion this woman seems to unknowingly evoke is worrisome. I wanted to be sure that she wasn't somehow using a quirk even without her knowledge of doing so.

It's irrational to care for someone so quickly and for her to not seem to see. She is easily flustered, but compassionate in a way more human than I've experienced in a long time.

When I activated my quirk, I was a bit worried that the feeling I had while she was smiling would dissipate and I would have to consider her an enemy.

Aizawa got on the bus after her, seeing her smile and joke with the class in a way that was more endearing than he could've considered possible.

She looked up at him and waved him over to sit with her and he did his very best not to smile.

He sat next to her and leaned his head back to take a quick nap when he suddenly felt himself being pulled.

His eyes shot open to see Y/n pulling him to lean on her shoulder.

"Sho.." She whispered. "Don't sleep like that. Your back will hurt forever. You can lean on me."

Aizawa stared at her a moment longer while she attempted to quiet his students. He closed his eyes and let himself drift off.

Class 1 A enjoyed speaking with Aizawa's friend, but noticed the bond between the two causing the girls to squeal with excitement. Mina even pointed out in a low whisper that Aizawa was smiling, causing the girls to unanimously "Awwwww" and inciting Aizawa to activate his quirk to get them to calm down.

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