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Trickee woke up in a cave and saw that he was tied up and saw someone there

Trickee: Mmm?

Troll: Are you okay?

Then Trickee saw who it was Confusion

Trickee: Mmm!

Then Confusion took out a dagger

Trickee: Mmm! Mmm!

Confusion: Hold still. You're not making this any easier

Then he held Trickee still and cut the ropes and freed him

Trickee took off the cloth the explorers gagged him with

Trickee: You helped me? Why?

Confusion: Well we are gonna be brother-in-laws one day

Trickee: You tried to kill Prism. I thought you were gonna kill me

Confusion: No I changed and I was forced into doing that by Chris

Trickee: Yeah right

Confusion: I'm serious and I like Gadget a lot but we were attacked and when I woke up I found myself tied up so cut myself free

Trickee: Wow maybe I did let the past keep me from going into the future I'm sorry that I didn't trust you but I'm ready to if you want

Confusion: Thanks Trickee

Then they shared a hug 🫂

Confusion: Now let's find our friends

Trickee: Yeah

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