Turbo's Birth

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Kismet, StarZone, Girl Power, Prism, Poppy, Pearl, Luna, Ash, Viva, Peppermint, Vito, BroZone, and their kids were hanging out

Then they saw the explorers

John Dory: Let's get out of here

Then they got up the mountain

Prism: Ah!

Trickee: Prism!

Trixie: Mom!

They went to her

Trickee: Are you okay?

Prism: It's happening

Trickee: Now?

Prism: Yes now

Trixie: Dad is mom okay?

Holly: Prism are you okay?

Prism: No!

Hype: What's going on?

Trickee: She's giving birth

Branch: Now?

Trickee: Apparently

Prism: I don't decide when the baby comes

Floyd: This reminds me of when I gave birth to Lavender

Ablaze: What do we do? We can't keep going if she's giving birth right now

Poppy: Okay girls let's help Prism and boys make sure to keep the explorers away

Then the boys went to fight the explorers and the girls went to help Prism out

Viva: Hang in there Prism

Prism: I'm trying

Flora: We're here for you

Tracy: Yeah we've got your back

Then the boys continued to fight until the explorers ran off

John Dory: Cowards

Then they went to see how Prism was doing

Trickee: Is she okay?

Luna: Come and see for yourself

Then they saw that Prism was holding and orange egg

Trickee: You're okay

Prism: I'm fine Trickee

Then a month later

The egg was cracking

Prism: Trickee the egg it's hatching

Then Trickee and Trixie came to see the baby

Trickee: Come on you can do it

Prism: Your father, sister, and I are waiting for you

Then a baby boy with orange skin and purple hair came out

Baby: 🥱

Trixie: Hi there baby brother

Trickee: He's so cute 🥰

Prism: He is

Then the baby opened his eyes and they were teal like Prism's

Baby: Mama! Dada!

Trickee: He has your eyes Prism

Prism picks him up

Baby: 😄

Trixie: What's his name?

Trickee: Your mother and I decided to call him Turbo

Trixie: Hi Turbo

Turbo: 😄

Prism: I think that you 2 are going to be really great friends and siblings

Then the family shared a hug and it turned out to be a great big beautiful tomorrow

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