Emerald's Revenge

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Pearl recently found out she was pregnant

Emerald, I don't know how, was still alive and wanted revenge

Then she poisoned Pearl's drink and left

Later Hype and Ash came home and saw Holly with Pearl and Pearl wasn't doing so well

Ash: Pearl, are you okay?

Pearl: *groans* 😣

Hype: What happened?

Holly: I don't know. She was fine a minute ago, but I find it strange when I found her on the ground her drink was green when it used to be clear

Ash: Do you think she was poisoned?

Hype: Maybe, but that's not a good thing for 2 reasons. 1 I can't lose my sister and 2 she's gonna have a baby so not only she'll die but the baby will too

Holly: I think that there's a field of UnderMoon Lilies close by

Ash: OK we'll go get them

Then Hype and Ash left

Emerald: I'm not letting them win this time

Then Hype and Ash found the UnderMoon Lilies and started to head home

They got home

Ash: We're back

Holly: Look out!

Then Emerald was about to kill them, but they got out of the way

Emerald: Blabbermouth

Hype: Don't talk to my wife like that

Pearl: *weakly* Leave them alone *coughs*

Holly goes to Pearl

Holly: Pearl

Pearl: *coughs*

Emerald: This time I'm not gonna let you win

Hype: How dare you poison my little sister and not only that she's pregnant with a baby so you're not only killing her but also the baby

Emerald: Do you think I care?

Then Ash pins Emerald down

Ash: Get the lily to Pearl Hype

Emerald: No!

Then Hype runs to Holly and Pearl

Holly: Calm down Pearl. We've got you

Then Holly gives pearl the lily and the sun rises

Hype: Pearl?

Pearl: Hype

Hype: You're alive

Then Ash went to them

Pearl: Ah!

Holly: Are you okay?

Pearl: Nope the baby is coming

Ash: Already?

Pearl: I guess that the baby is impatient and wants to come now

Then Emerald left

Holly: I got her and I'll make sure she delivers a healthy egg. You deal with Emerald

Then Hype and Ash went after Emerald

Ash: Get back here!

Emerald: Nope

Then they chased her to a cliff

Emerald not knowing how close she was to the edge fell off and died

Ash: Well it serves her right

Hype: It does now let's get back to Pearl

Then they got back and saw Pearl and Holly along with an egg and don't worry the egg is fine

Ash: Pearl you're okay

Pearl: I'm fine thanks to you and Hype and the egg is fine too

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