Love Advice 💕

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Chase went back home and saw his brother

Trickee: So how'd it go?

Chase: Really well we had our first kiss

Trickee: That's great. Wait what? You had your first kiss?

Chase:  Yeah and it was great I really like Sofia

Trickee: That's great bro

Chase: How did you do things with Prism?

Trickee: Why?

Chase: I don't know anything about love or what to do

Trickee: Just be yourself and everything will be fine

Chase: Um okay

Trickee: Just trust me on this besides it's not like her ex wants revenge on her for dumping him and she isn't being controlled by some wacky magical troll so you're good

Chase: Umm okay I have questions about that

Trickee: I'll explain later

The next day:

Boom takes Chase to the Flower Kingdom to see Sofia

Boom: Sofia is very lucky to have someone like you

Chase: You really think so?

Boom: Yeah Chris was a huge jerk to her and honestly I don't know why she dated him

Chase: I just want to be there for Sofia. You've known Sofia for a while do you have any advice 

Boom: I think the best to do is to just be yourself

Chase: Ok

Boom: Well here we are

Then Chase knocks on Sofia's door and her older brother, Dario, answers it

Dario: Can I help you?

Boom: Hey Dario. Is Sofia home?

Dario: My little sis? Yeah she's home. Why?

Chase: I wanted to see her

Dario: Oh are you the troll she told me about?

Chase: Uh maybe

Dario: Well it's nice to meet you

Chase: Umm nice to meet you too

Sofia: Dario don't scare him

Dario: Hi little sis

Sofia: Sorry about that Chase. Dario is just being a standard older brother

Chase: I get it Trickee messes with me from time to time. Any way want to go out?

Sofia: Sure

Dario: Have fun little sis

Sofia: Dario 🙄

Dario: I'm just wishing you luck

Sofia: Yeah yeah yeah

Then she and Chase go on a date

Boom: You think that he's still mad at her?

Dario: Who?

Boom: Chris you know he was mad at her when she broke up with him

Dario: Oh yeah well I won't let him mess with her

Boom: Yeah same here. She and Chase are a great couple

Dario: I think that you're right. Sofia won't stop talking about him ever since they met

Boom: Wow she must love him

Dario: I think she does

Meanwhile on the date:

Sofia: I'm glad to see you again

Chase: Same here

Then they kiss

Sofia: If you want to I'd like you to meet my friends

Chase: Sure

Sofia: Come on

Then she take shim to the castle

Queen Rose: Sofia it's great to see you again

Sofia: Same here. Oh this is my boyfriend Chase

Queen Rose: It's nice to meet you Chase

King Fin: Wow you weren't kidding Sof

Chase: Huh?

King Fin: It's nice to meet you Chase

Chase: Same here

Queen Rose: When Sofia told me that she was dating someone else I didn't believe it but now I do

Sofia: He's really great Rose

Queen Rose: I bet. Since he's my cousin's friend's little brother and I've seen him before

Chase: Thanks Rose

Chase and Sofia had a great day and were in love with each other

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