Be Careful!

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Dreamer was looking for her staff

Dreamer: Where is it?

Cloud Guy: What's this?

Dreamer: Put that down that's my staff it's really powerful and has magic in it

Cloud Guy: Fun

Dreamer: Give it back!

Cloud Guy: Why?

Dreamer: Because it has magic in it

Cloud Guy: So?

Dreamer: It can be really dangerous if someone that doesn't know how to use it uses it's magic

Cloud Guy: Dreamy you worry too much

Dreamer: One it's Dreamer Two give me back my staff

Cloud Guy: I'm telling you you're worrying too much

Then magic comes out of the staff

Dreamer: Well that's great you casted a spell

Then she grabs her staff

On Vacay Island

Kismet was hanging out

They were reading about a magical high school called Monster High and the different types of monsters there were

Then the book started to glow

Boom: Is that supposed to happen?

Hype: No

Then a portal opened and magical ghost like hands came out

Branch: Run!

Then they ran

One of the hands grabbed Trickee's leg

Trickee: Hey put me down! Let me go!

Branch: Trickee!

Then he grabs Trickee's arm and tries to pull him out of the hand

Hype, Ablaze, and Boom helped out

Trickee: Guys look out!

Then the other hands grabbed them and pulled them all into the book of Monster High and put them into high school for monster trolls

Dreamer saw this happen

Dreamer: Kismet! Well this is perfect just perfect Cloud Guy you trapped them in Monster High and now I can't get them out unless they complete the school year. I hope that they're okay

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