Helping Moss and Sofia

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Power left

Boom: I can believe that he erased their memories of me

Ablaze: Why would he do that?

Boom: Cause he's crazy and nuts

Trickee: We have to get out of here

Then something came down and it looked like a star ⭐️

Boom: Star?

Star: *waves*

Boom: I may not have met you but you think you can help us Power crushed my friends's memories of me and now they think that I'm gonna hurt them

Star: 😡

Then she uses her magic to untie Kismet and then Boom spots something on the ground

Boom: Are these shards from the memories?

Then he pieces them together and two memories are put back together

Boom: Moss and Sofia's memories. Do you think that you could?

Then Star ⭐️ uses her magic to fix them and put them back together permanently

Boom: Now we have to find them to restore their memories

Then they find Moss and Sofia talking to each other

Sofia: It's like I lost all of my memories

Moss: I had that feeling last night

Then Ablaze and Branch grabbed them and brought them to the others

Sofia: Let us go!

Moss: Yeah let us go! You've harmed us enough 😡

Boom: Just trust me on this

Then he puts their memories back in

Moss: Whoa

Sofia: *groans* What happened?

Boom: Moss? Sofia?

Moss and Sofia: Boom! 😄😄

Boom: You remember! 😄

Moss: How could we forget our friend that was an amazing leader?

Boom: Power crushed your memories and you forgot about me

Sofia: Oh we did

Boom: I'm glad you 2 are back to normal

Moss: I'm glad to see you again even though I saw you last week

Boom: Now to help our friends

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