Branch Meets Scratch

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Branch went into his bunker

He saw a box on his bed

Branch: What is that thing?

Then he picked up the box and opened it

Then a kwami that looked like a black cat appeared and reveal itself to Branch

Branch put it in a jar

Scratch: You are defiantly different from my past holders

Branch: What are you?

Scratch: The name is Scratch and I'm a kwami I give powers. Yours is the power of destruction

Branch: Wait what?

Scratch: Okay you say Claws Out and I can transform you into a superhero. When you say Cataclysm you can destroy whatever you touch, and after you use it you only have 5 minutes left until you transform back

Branch: Um okay, but why are you here

Scratch:  You were chosen to be my holder along with your brothers

Branch: My brothers?

Scratch: And your sisters

Branch: This is just crazy

Scratch: Why don't you meet with them and see for yourself

Branch: Okay

Then he put on the ring and Scratch hid in his vest and Branch left to find his brothers and sisters

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