Saving Memories

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They found the other memory shards and put the other memories back together and went to find the others

Sofia: Hey Trunk!

Trunk: Hey Sofia. How ya doing?

Then he sees Boom

Trunk: Get behind me Sofia

Then Sofia puts Trunk's memory back in

Trunk: 😵‍💫 What happened?

Boom: Trunk?

Trunk: Boom! 😄 When'd you get here?

Boom: I'll explain it to you once all our friends get their memories back

Then they find Florian and Bush

Florian: Hiya Trunk. Hiya Sofia. What is the happening?

Then they put their memories back in and they remember Boom again

They go to find Rose and Fin and put their memories back in and now they just needed to find Dario

Power was not happy to see this happening

Sofia: Where is my brother at?

Power: This who you're looking for?

Then they see Power and he had a dagger 🗡️ on Dario's throat 

Sofia: Dario! 😨

Boom: Release him at once

Queen Rose: Release him! That's an order

Power: I had everything but thanks to you Rose you took it from me and it was because Boom inspired you to fight back

He was about to kill Dario

Boom: Not my friend! Not today!

Then he kicked Power and Dario was free and he restored his memory 

Dario: Boomer! 😄 When'd you get here?

Boom: I'll explain later

Then they went towards Power 

Power used magic and it grabbed Boom's friends

Boom: No!

Dario: Boomer look out!

Boom sees a blast and gets out of the way

Power uses his magic to gag them

Dario: Mmm!

Power: Blabbermouth

Boom: Leave them alone 😡

Then he was able to break the Staff and free his friends and defeat Power

Dario: You're back!

Boom: I'm glad you all are back to normal

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