Finding Out

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Hype was used to Ash and Pearl dating

Pearl: We have to tell him how we met

Ash: I don't know Pearl. Do you think he can handle it?

Pearl: We have to tell him at some point

Ash: Ok but I don't want him to freak out

Then Pearl and Ash went to Hype and Holly

Hype: Hey guys

Ash: Hi

Holly: Hey I was just wondering how did you 2 meet?

Ash: Um

Pearl: I guess we should tell you guys how we met

Hype: Okay

Ash: Try not to freak out

Holly: Ok

Pearl: Well I was walking through the fields and then I heard the birds singing

Ash: I thought that you were Hype and captured you

Hype: Wait what? 😨

Ash: I said not to freak out

Hype: I'm trying, but what the heck?

Pearl: Any way Ash thought that I was you Hype then I told him that I was your sister

Ash: But when I saw you I fell in love with you

Pearl: Then I said that I'd give you a chance and kissed you

Ash: Then I remember this heart formed around us when we kissed

Hype: No way

Holly: The Love Bond

Ash: Is that what that was?

Pearl: I guess it was

Then she gave Ash a kiss

Hype: You 2 might have a strange love story but we all have strange ones too

Holly: Yeah I almost died before fully falling in love with you

Hype: And I almost died saving you if Branch and the others didn't help us

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